Chapter 36

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*7th Year*

The second week of the holidays seemed to fly past for Mariya, it was largely spent flying on the quidditch pitch, enjoying the freedom to be in her Animagus form, and hanging out with the boys. She and James had spent a few early mornings up on the roof after they realised how much the other had enjoyed the original sunrise together. They always sat with the same drinks as the first time, even after Euphemia restocked the coffee, and occasionally brought up other things to do, actually managing to get all of their holiday homework done over a couple of visits.

Thanks to this, they were free to laugh at Sirius as he complained about having to do the work whilst they sat around chatting or helping in the garden. Mariya had learned that Euphemia grew most of the plants because of their magical properties as far as potion making went, but that some of them were only there because they had a significant meaning to her or because she liked the look of them when people were approaching the house. She had also learned that the couple were both very interested in muggles and that they were all for using muggle technology. They even had a muggle car parked away in a garage at the back of the house, which they used one day when all five of them went out to a skating rink at James's suggestion.

There was one type of white rose which Euphemia was especially fond of as it was the same variety as the one Fleamont had given her when he had proposed. Mariya had been particularly careful about watering the plant and making sure it had plenty of space to itself after she had learned the information.

Mariya had also bonded well with Fleamont Potter as he had invited her to help him with his latest potion type one day. It had been specially designed to imitate Metamorphmagus properties and changed the colour of the users hair. Apparently Sirius had refused to use it on account of his 'Hair already being a fabulous colour' and so he had asked her to try it out. Mariya had been thrilled to oblige but, rather than use it on all of her hair, she merely applied it to certain strands and was pleased with the colour changing strips and the complete lack of side effects. Fleamont had greatly appreciated the help and had offered to brew her a free batch if ever she wanted it, though Mariya was fairly sure that the small bottle he had already given her would last a fair amount of time.

Though James had not really brought up their upcoming Hogsmeade date, he smiled so widely she was sure it must hurt when they locked eyes, and often put his arm around her shoulders in a way he had never really done before. Mariya retaliated to these by ruffling his hair whenever she passed him, much to his chagrin, and was thoroughly enjoying stealing his broom or other objects from him in the knowledge that he went absolutely crazy whenever anything was removed from what he considered its proper position in his bedroom.

Mariya was fairly sure that Sirius must know about the slight change in their relationship as he often rolled his eyes when he saw them acting affectionately with each other, and was prone to leave them together as frequently as possible. This theory was confirmed the morning of the train ride back to Hogwarts, when Mariya and James had fixed their badges back onto their robes and James had disappeared to claim their normal carriage whilst Mariya and Sirius were trying to find Remus and Peter.

"I've heard rumours that the Head Boy and Head Girl often end up going out, quite a few even get married. Apparently Minnie fancies herself as quite the matchmaker." He said this in such a nonchalant way that it took Mariya a few moments to actually take in his words and consider their meaning.

"I'm not marrying James." Mariya eventually blurted out, and then winced slightly at the way in which she had said it. That implied that she wouldn't even consider the possibility ever, and that wasn't really the impression she wanted to give.

"He'll be heartbroken." Sirius mimed being pierced in the heart rather dramatically, clearly seeing her internal conflict and deciding to use it to his advantage.

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