~Summer On You~

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"KALI! Omg I missed you soooooo much! I haven't seen you in so long babe," I smiled seeing my Bestfriend Taylor running up to me.

I haven't seen her in months. Mostly because she lives 7 hours away. I'm so glad I get to see her now, I have so much to tell her.

"I missed you too babe! I couldn't wait to see you" I said as she basically tackled me.

"Omg! Omg! Omg! I have to tell you something. But I can't say it here" She said as she hopped up and down.

Her bright red curls bounced out of place, and her necklaces got tangled together. I giggled and shook my head.

"Ok ok. Calm down. Your hair is a mess" I said brushing her hair out of her face.

"Doesn't matter. COME ON! I have to tell you now, or I'll explode" She said pulling me towards our dorm.

"Wait our stuff, We can't leave I-"

"TRISTIAN! GET MY THINGS" She yelled at her older brother, who just so happened to also be my Bestfriend.

"Get it yours-"

"I will tell Kali what I found in your room" I titled my head before I turned around and looked up at Tristian.

"What was in your room? I won't laugh" I said, he blushed and rubbed his neck.

"I'll get the bags" He mumbled.

"That's what I thought. Now come on Cam" Taylor said pulling me inside and to our room.

Which was on the first floor, room 198.

She snatched my key off my bag and quickly unlocked the door. She pulled me inside before she slammed the door.

Our dorm rooms were like mini apartments. They all had two bed rooms, a kitchen, small living room and a bathroom.

Ours had a extra room, but it was more of a storage closet.

"Sit down!" I sat on the couch and looked up at my crazy friend.

What is so important that she's willing to blackmail her brother for?

"Remember Allen? Really skinny, like REALLY skinny, oh and kinda tall. OH! And he has dimples and he wears those thick glasses and stuff." I nodded and she sat down beside me.

"Well he has an older sister right? And listen to this, I was staying with him over the summer for a few days, because I got in trouble with my mom. And his sister was there, cam, she kissed me. ON THE FUCKING LIPS! LIKE RIGHT HERE!" She screamed as she pointed to her red lips.

Oh wow. That lipstick looks really good on h-

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!? I'm trying to tell you about my love life and here you are looking off into space!" She said frowning at me.

"I'm listening. What else happened? Did she ask you out?" I asked tilting my head.

She nodded quickly and threw herself back on the couch.

"KAL! You should've heard her. She was like "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and I can't let you leave without asking you on a date." LIKE WHAT? Me? Cam I'm in love!" She said sighing.

I shook my head and smiled. I've missed her so much. She keeps me on my toes.

Mostly because she's insane. Like that time we went to the beach, and she stripped.

In front of her mother.

Mrs Porter almost had a heart attack. She had to chase Taylor and put a shirt on her.

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