~Love Me Or Leave Me~

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Taylor's POV:

It's been 5 days. 5 days since Kali went missing. 5 days since I've spoken too her. 5 days since I've seen her. 5 days days since I've heard her laugh. 5 days since I've seen her smile.

5 days since I've eaten. 5 days since I've slept. 5 days since I've left this bedroom. 5 days since I left her bed. 5 days since I started laying with her favorite shirt next to me every night.

It's been 5 days since my heart shattered  into pieces.

The police told us it's 48 hours before we need to start thinking the worse. It's been 120 hours. And we haven't heard a thing.

I haven't spoken to anyone. Tristan comes by and attempts to get me to eat or shower, or say something.

But I can't.

Not when this is all my fault.

Kali is gone because of me. Because I was so focused on getting drunk and having a good time I left her alone.

She needed me and I wasn't there. After all the time she was there for me when I needed her, the one time she needed me I was no where to be found.

She was probably screaming for me. Begging me to find her. Or maybe she was praying that I went outside and seen her, or thought to look for her.

But I didn't.

Not until it was too fucking late.

I've cried some much I physically can't cry anymore. Nothing would come out, just dry sobs and hiccups.

I just want Kali back. I just want to know if she's okay.

What if she's gone? What if it's too late?

I'll never get to tell her I love her again.

She was probably so scared. I hope she's not in any pain. I couldn't bare to think that she was in pain.

I wish my brain would stop thinking about her. The more I think the more I wanna scream. I just need to know she's ok.

I just want to know that she's alive.

Is that too much to ask?

Why her of all people?

Kali is the nicest, sweetest, most gentle, kind soul I know.  She wouldn't hurt anyone. Not even if they deserved it. Well, not too much anyway.

She doesn't deserve this. All the evil people in the world and this happens to Kai. What has she ever done?

But I guess that's life right?

Bad things happen to good people while bad people walk around freely. If that son of a bird would've stayed in the loonie bin where he belongs she would be ok.

She would be here. With me. We could be eating cookies and laughing about how drunk I was last night.

But here I am. Alone.

And she's out there, scared and alone.

I just wish I could do something. But I fucking can't. I have no clue what fucking happened, where she was, where they went.


I'm useless.

And she has to suffer because of it.

Brandon's POV:

"Nothing. I found nothing. The apartment was clean, nothing but furniture and food in the fridge. Clothes were gone, shoes, toothbrush everything," Tristan said as him and Nick walked into my room.

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