~Silly Love songs~

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It's been about two months since we started going back to school. Me and Tony have finally made it official and I haven't spoke to the guys in a month.

I seen them awhile ago, when I went too Taylor's family reunion. I just went because she begged me too.

We didn't really speak. We just kinda nodded and walked past each other.

I hated it!

I've never felt so....ignored?

It's crazy. I miss them like crazy. I don't understand why they don't come around anymore.

It can't be because of what happened between me and Austin. Right? I mean I just said I didn't feel the same.

That didn't mean "Fuck off I never wanna see you again".

I would've spoke to them, but they left before I could say anything. Just like that.

They didn't even say goodbye.

It hurt. If I was being honest.

But I didn't say anything.

I mean I can't. I have a boyfriend now.

I shouldn't even be thinking about silly things like this.

But I can't help it. They're my Bestfriends. They have been for a long time.

I can't just forget them,

Even though it seems like they're fine forgetting me.

"HEY JESSIE! WOOHHHH WOOHHHH! IT FEELS LIKE A PARTY EVERY DAY! HEY JESSIE!" I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face hearing Taylor in the living room.

Tonight we were gonna watch Jessie. Why? Because Taylor says that Debby Ryan is hot.

Do I agree? Nope.

Taylor is the only red head for me.

I slid on my slippers before I headed into the living room. I sat down on the couch beside her and she smiled.

"You missed the intro" She said as she laid her head on my lap.

"It's ok" I said smiling.

"Here's your skittles" She said handing me a jumbo pack.

"Did you-"

"Nope. Brandon" B?


"Isn't he mad at me? And when did he get here? And how did I not-"

"He was only here for like five seconds. He dropped those off and some other things and left. He told me to tell you he says hi baby" She said smiling up at me.


I shivered as I repeated it in my head. I could hear him saying it.

He loved calling me baby. Even though I haven't heard it in a long time, it still makes my stomach turn.


But I shouldn't feel that way. I have a boyfriend.

"Why didn't he just-"

"Said he was busy."

Busy with what? Does he have a girlfriend now? Is that why they're all being so weird? I mean Austin didn't even look at me the other day.

Which I would totally understand but I mean damn.

"Y'know I don't think they know, you and Baloney made it official" I frowned and flicked Taylor's ear.

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