~Tag You're It~

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Kali's POV:

I woke up with a terrible headache. My head was killing me. I looked around and felt fear wash over me.

Where am I?

I was in a dark room, on nothing but a mattress with an black sheet on it. There was nothing else in the room.

The paint on the walls was peeling, and the room smelt like cigarettes and rotten food.

I don't even remember-


I jumped up and tried to walk towards the door only to fall flat on my face. There was something on my ankle.

I slowly turned back to look.

Oh god.

There was a chain attached to the wall, and wrapped around my foot. I felt panic rising in my throat but I quickly shook my head.

I don't have time to panic. I have to get the hell out of here.

I tried to get the chain off but it wouldn't move. I even tried pulling it out of the wall, but it was all useless.

Nothing worked.

I was stuck.

I was trapped.

With a crazy man running around somewhere.

Maybe he went to get something to kill me.

Suddenly I heard the floors creaking outside the door. I pressed up against the wall and wrapped my arms around myself.

I was gonna die, In some creepy old house by myself.

The door opened and there he was. The devil himself.

"You're awake! Oh, your head is still bleeding. Let me fix that" The hell?

Why is he acting like that? Like he doesn't have me chained to a wall.

He had a plastic sack in his hand. He came over to me and sat down.

"I brought you something to eat. Chinese, your favorite right?"


"Oh. Well, it'll suffice for now," He said smiling as he pulled out a rag, some peroxide, and a large bandaid.

"Don't touch me with that stuff!" I said glaring at him as he put some peroxide on the rag.

"I have to clean your wound. It could get infected. It'll hurt really bad if I don't. You should be more careful," He said smiling as he pressed the rag against my cut.

I winced and moved my head away from it. It hurt like hell.

"Stop moving Kalani!" He sneered before he gripped my chin and slammed my head back against the wall.

I felt blood trickling down my nose and my eyes rolled back slightly.

My head was killing me now. My ears were ringing and I couldn't feel my fingers. That couldn't mean anything good.

"Shit. I'm sorry honey. Let me fix that," He said as he wiped the blood from my nose with his thumb.

"There ya go. All better," He said smiling before he grabbed the band aid and put it on my head.

I could barely keep my eyes open. The pain from my new injury was killing me. Blood was just pouring from my nose.

That had too mean something bad. Am I gonna have brain damage now?

Is this how I die?

"Le.....Me.....G-" I couldn't even speak. I'm definitely dying. There's no freaking way I'm not dying.

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