PT.7 Don't Let Anyone Know...

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I turn and I see angle I look away nervously and I nod. "Yea yea... I'm ok I'm just. Hungover from yesterday I chugged a whole bottle of some beer and it fucked me up I'm just sick." Angels face goes from worried to his normal sly smile "yea I get you. It sucks. Try not to let Charlie know you feel sick or she will go crazy, taking care of you, forcing you to stay on the couch while she gets you everything. It's nice but also sometimes you just want to get up and do something." I nod in agreement. Luckily my lie worked and she didn't figure out the real reason I was throwing up. "We'll get some water and shit and come on out I'm pretty sure Charlie is gonna want us to get to know you and stuff you know?" I nod "yea I'll be right there." Angel leaves and I sigh in relief and I calm down and I walk to the living room with them and I sit down in the same couch in the corner and it feels comfy. I look around and I see Charlie and vaggie standing in front of all the couches. Charlie has her sweet smile on "alright guys so I want to start to do those activity things to get to know Y/N and maybe a little bit more about each other! So behind the couches here there is a trust fall stage!" Charlie and vaggie wall behind the couches and they show the stage and everyone stands up and turns around then vaggie says sternly "and all of you will participate unless you want me to hurt you. Uhm.. who wants to go first?" Angel smirks and wraps her arm around my shoulder and I tense up at the touch "I think the new girl should go first since you know we are mostly doing this trust shit for her!" I look at angel with a (wow how dare you...) face and he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows then alastor fades in next to me and he says "surprisingly I agree with angel for once!" I look at alastor with the same face and I see them look at each other. They planned this. I'm not mad at them they are probably the people I'm closest with here. But like wooowwwww. I roll my eyes then I hear a low grumpy voice from the bartender husk "yea get used to this kid. This will happen a lot especially from these two assholes." Angel looks at husk"aweee what's wrong so you feel jealous whiskers?~ Would you rather have me  bother you and rather me have me plan with alastor to make you do this first?" Husk looks at me then angel then me "nope go ahead and bother Y/N." I glare at husk and he glares back at me and I roll my eyes and I look away alastor looks at me "well Y/N are you gonna get up there or what?" I look at alastor "uhm... Do I have to..?" Alastor nods "yep most definitely!" He snaps his fingers and I teleport on the stage and I feel my ear slightly twitch nervously "uhm... My... My favorite color is blue...?" I look down at all of them nervously and I feel my ears slightly go down then Charlie smiles and claps "yayyy good job now turn around and do a trust fall!" She holds her hands out and vaggie says "and everyone try to catch her. We are trying to gain her trust not lose it." I hesitate "uhm I can just get down you know-" I get cut off by something pushing me and I fall forward and I immediately get a quick flashback of me getting pushed on the floor by my dad and the men and I cover my face and my ears go down and I hear a glass break and I feel fluffy arms wrap around me and I slightly tense. I open my eyes and I see husk, he caught me and we quickly separated and i look at the floor and i see a broken cheep boose bottle. I quickly turn around to see who pushed me "who the fuck pushed me of...?!" I just see a black tentacle thing go back into the ground and then alastor appears next to me and looks down at me with that never leaving smile "that would be me! Your welcome!" I shake my head and I sigh and then I look back at husk "Uhm.. thanks husk." He looks at me in annoyance "yea don't mention it. If it didn't happen right then and there I would've dropped you instead of the boose bottle." I look at husk in annoyance and he flips me off and I flip him back off and he grumbles and rolls his eyes. Angel walks up to me and husk and puts his hands on his hips. "Well well well looks like we have a cat fight going on hmm? Wow well I thought the two only animals in the hotel would get along but I guess not hm? Oh that must suck you guys are neighbors too." I look at angel and and I cross my arms "well he is probably and obviously just an asshole to everyone." Angel laughs and nods and husk looks at me in annoyance and husk rolls his eyes "yea I'm an asshole because everywhere is dumbasses" I look at him in annoyance "I haven't been a dumbass I've been leaving you alone ever since i got here and I got pushed off a damn stage and you decided to be an asshole because you dropped your cheep ass boose even though you have a thousand more bottles behind the bar!" Charlie fidgets with her fingers nervously as we argue and husk looks offended by me "that boose isn't just cheep boose! It was my coldest one that was in the fridge all night!" I roll my eyes and I sigh "awe boo hoo. Just put another bottle in the fridge and wait until tomorrow!" Husk walks up to me and lowly growls like a cat "well I already had on and your clumsy ass had to fall off the stage and I was technically forced to catch you since you just covered your face while falling instead of trying to catch yourself" I growl like a cat too back and angel and alastor are watching in amusement while vaggie doesnt know what to do but Charlie steps in and laughs nervously and stands between us "haha okayyy...! Uhm husk thank you for catching Y/N and Y/N thank you for going first! Uhm... Please don't fight hehe..." I sigh and I look away "fine. He's lucky you were here." Husk scoffs and rolls his eyes and just walks to his bar.

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