PT.15 Recovering

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I wake up on the couch with a blanket over me. I look around and then I get hugged quickly and I tense up from the touch. It's Charlie "GOODMORNING ARE YOU OK DO YOU NEED ANYTHING? DID YOU AT LEAST HAVE FUN LAST NIGHT? YOU WERE REALLY UHM... OPEN LAST NIGHT." I look at Charlie and I rub my head "ah- fucking hell uhm.. goodmorning.. wait- what did I say?! Tell me what did I say that I apparently was really open about?!" Charlie looks at me in confusion and she says "uh you just told everyone what you thought about us so far and it was really nice and it's gonna be the ONLY time I was ok with you drunk because that was really nice....!" I look at Charlie and I look away in embarrassment "oh uhm.. yea thanks and your welcome...?" Alastor appears next to me "yes dear you complemented all of us and thank you! It looks like you had a good time last night and I'm glad!" I nod and I rub the back of my neck "mhm.. uhm.. so what's the plan for today?" Charlie sits next to me normally and fidgets with her fingers and looks at me with a nervous smile "uhm that's the thinggg... So sometimes we have these things called recovery days for people that got fucked up in like any way and you know your... the person..." I look at Charlie and everyone else "uhm Charlie I think I'm good I'll be ok." Charlie grabs my hand and I tense up at the touch "no please PLEASE!!! We want to help you and also this is a good bonding activity thing!!!" I sit up in the couch and I sigh "uh Charlie are you sure everyone wants to help me or is two specific people making sure everyone helps?" I make it obvious I'm taking about alastor and vaggie "yea well uhm.. it's good they are making them do it so we can bond more and me as the daughter of Lucifer himself I kindly command you and everyone else to participate kindly...!" She says with a sarcastic tone and happy smile. I sigh and I shake my head "fine.. but I need to go get ready since my hair and shit is all messed up." I start to stand up but Charlie quickly pushes me back on the couch "no no no I'll get is for you don't worry I'll get your hairbrush uh that animal brush thing I'll get water just stay on the couch while all of us get you your stuff." I look at Charlie nervously "uh Charlie im ok I-" charlie puts her finger over my mouth "SHH SHH SHH ITS OK Y/N SHHH..." Charlie looks at alastor and alastor snaps and Charlie teleports probably to my room and I looks t angel with a shocked and confused and worried face. Angel sits and watches "yea good luck. Being the person for a recovery day is kind of.. you know. But that sucks for you and it awesome for me because I get to watch as you get tortured!" I look at angel and I flip him off and he smiles in amusement and Charlie teleports back "hi! Ok so we have your pillow and you already have a blanket. But here!" She gives me the stuff and smiles and looks at alastor and alastor snaps and my clothes change into a new hoodie and sweatpants. I rub my head as it aches "uh.. thanks." She nods and her smile goes to her nervous smile again "uh so your head probably hurts really bad and stuff so can you take this pill please?" Charlie gives me a pill and I nod and I take it. Then I hear husk from his bar "Oh so you just peacefully take the pill when Charlie gives it to you but when I give it to you you decide to be a little annoying bitch about it and make everything harder." I look at husk "AYE! you fucking watch who your calling a bitch because I will actually do everything in my power to beat your ass and make YOU have a recovery day." Husk looks at me in annoyance but also amusement "Yea, you wouldn't have a fucking chance against me." I roll my eyes and I look away from him "uhm anyways. I'll be fine now so.." Charlie narrows her eyes at me "sureeee... But you stay on the couch until the medicine kicks in then I'll let you go ok?" I sigh and I nod "alright then."

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