PT.30 Uncomfortable Bonding Time.

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me and angel walk back inside and we see Charlie talking with vaggie and alastor and her dad with extra excitement. "Oh God what's gonna happen now..." I whisper to angel and he laughs "no idea." He whispers back. We go to the couches and husk is in his usual spot and I sit next to angel and I scroll on my phone as I wait. I feel weird just a little... I feel a little hot and a little weaker but... I don't know it might just be hell since hell is hot. Charlie walks over with excitement and her big smile. "Alrighty guys we are doing more bonding games! Especially since you know Y/N it hasn't seemed like you've opened up to us yet no offense..." She smiles nervously and I softly smile "none taken Charlie." She nods "thanks, BUT we are doing a staring contest to see to breaks eye contact first!" I hear angel scoff and he puts his hands behind his head and leans back "this is gonna be so fucking dumb we all know smiles is gonna win. He nearly blinks normally for fuck sake!" Alastor looks at angel and laughs "aha! You know me so well hm?" Angel rolls his eyes and alastor makes his cane appear "yes I am quite good at NOT blinking and either way I wouldn't enjoy playing a dumb childrens game!" I feel a wave of a little more warmth flow through my body and I think I'm just tired or something... "Come on can we just play I swear it's gonna be funnnn!!!" Charlie says with big glowing eyes and vaggie comes next to her "just play the damn game then we will leave you alone and you guys can do whatever the fuck you want. Get drunk, get high, fuck whoever, just play the damn game." I feel myself get a little more hotter but not too hot and I sigh "fine I'll join just so you guys can fuck off so I can sleep or some shit..." Charlie smiles "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUU!!!" Angel laughs "alright I'll join too then." Charlie squeals in happiness and alastor sways his cane and husk appears next to him. "Well it's not like I have a fucking choice... Al is gonna force me to do this dumb shit anyway..." Charlie claps her hands a little "YAYYYYY!!! Okk so uhm how about... Me and vaggie go first so we can demonstrate how we are gonna do it!!" Charlie brings vaggie in front of her and alastor stands next tot them "alright darlings! Start the contest in 3, 2, 1." Charlie and vaggie look at eachother in the eyes without blinking and I awkwardly watch. They stare at each other... And stare... And stare... Then finally Charlie's eyes start to water and she blinks and she rubs her eyes "haha! Good job vag!" Vaggie smiles and looks at Charlie "you too honey. Alright! Who is going next?" Angel smirks and leans back in his seat "well I think the two felines should go against eachother. Especially since they job some beef with eachother." Alastor hums in agree ment "Yes. I also agree with angel on this one! It would be very entertaining to see these two try to stare at eachother without snapping each other's necks!" I softly growl and I just see husk looking in space in annoyance. "Can't I get paired up with someone else I don't want to stare at him! I almost barf even glancing at him..." I cross my arms and he glares at me "Oh so technically toots your saying you can't win against husk hm? Wow I thought you were stronger than that..." I growl and I turn to look at angel "aye you better watch your fuckin mouth because I can beat his ass in any game and day." I feel another wave of hear flow over me and it's starting to bother me a little and it feels like the waves of heat and weakness is getting stronger each time.. I hear husk scoff and I look at him "oh you wish. You couldnt beat me in shit." I stand up and I walk up to him "oh you wanna bet jackass?" He smirks/smiles with a smug face and he looks down at me "alright then get ready to get your ass beat in a child's game." Alastor smiles wider in amusement "alright, good you guys came to an agreement! Get ready to start in 3, 2, 1, Go." I stare at husk and he stares down at me. We continue to stare at eachother and me or him don't back down, we both don't go down without a fight. I have a disadvantage though... The waves of heat and weakness start to hit more.... And more... I realize something... I haven't had my period this month... Even in my alive life I haven't gotten it yet... And since I'm a cat in hell now... Am I on my period or... In heat? I continue to try to stare into husks eyes and another wave come and I feel my ears getting heavier and I see husk sniff the air for a moment and his eyes go like... Shocked... He noticed... Obviously he noticed he is also part fucking cat... Another wave hits and I brink and I grunt And I try to get there as fast as possible before husk can say anything or something. "Welp I lost I gotta go now bye hehe...!" Another wave hits but this one is strong... My ears go down and my cheeks turn slightly red and I get hotter... I  start to walk backwards to the elevator and I hear husk sniff softly again. He looks at everyone else "alright this was fun but now, I have some unfinished business to do..." he starts to walk towards me quickly and I softly gulp and I turn around and I go up the stairs as fast as I can but the heat is not helping... I get upstairs and I go into my room and I lean against my nightstand and I breathe heavily and I feel very hot and weak. I hear my door shut and the lock behind me and I turn around and I see husk...

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