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december 2023

Often times Florentine manages to busy herself to a certain extent to stop herself from falling back into the hole she so desperately tried to shovel herself out of a few years ago

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Often times Florentine manages to busy herself to a certain extent to stop herself from falling back into the hole she so desperately tried to shovel herself out of a few years ago. She was a mess. Hopeless, grief-stricken and downright miserable back then. All she wanted was her brother by her side. It took a lot of effort and many more therapy sessions for her to be at this point in life where she realized there was actually life after Theo. She tried to cherish it for the both of them.

While her move to England put a strain on the relationship to her parents, it gave her Bradley and he seemed like the key to finding her old self again. From the beginning, it was clear that what the two shared was downright platonic love and while they deeply cared for each other, it was nothing like the love they shared for Theo Beaufort.

Florentine wasn't aware about what type of love her brother and the singer truly shared, Theo never had the time to confide in his sister, but for Bradley it was getting worse and worse not being able to tell his best friend the truth.

The two boys fell in love in secret and when the time came that they wanted to shout it out loud for the world to hear, Theo was ripped away from Bradley. The singer was sure that somehow he found not only a soulmate in Theo, but the love of his life and in Florentine he found the only person to help him get over the fact, that he barely had enough time with him.

Bradley never had the courage to tell Florentine the truth. He knew she would never judge him, but revealing such intimate thing about someone is not something he could do to a griefing sister, even if she was his best friend.

Him and Theo had something special only the two of them were aware of and now Bradley had to live wih the burden of being the only one, the only one to know how scared Theo Beaufort was of losing his family due to him being in love with a man.

It was one of the rare days that Florentine didn't have to work and due to the freezing cold December air, she decided she would spend the day alone at home. It was one of the first few mistakes she made that day, that led to her etching closer and closer to the deep pit she once got to crawl out of.

The morning was always Florentine's favorite time of the day, and despite Bradley rejecting her FaceTime request for the first time in ages, she was quite happy to have some time to properly eat some breakfast and not shove a coffee and some fruit down her throat and call it a meal.

Back then, Florentine didn't seem to find it odd that Bradley rejected the call, imagining him being with his family or in the studio, so she simply shot him a text message saying hope you have a good day bubs x.

After her proper breakfast, which consisted of some omelet on some freshly baked sourdough with a few walnuts, the girl decided to use the day to properly clean the loft, which she hadn't done in a while. She put on some music, got out the cleaning supplies and spent half the day on getting the apartment back in shape.

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