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december 2023

Besides their regular gifts they got each other, small and fun presents that both of them had agreed on would be more than enough, Bradley and Florentine also promised each other to take their mental health more serious and that's why Florentine f...

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Besides their regular gifts they got each other, small and fun presents that both of them had agreed on would be more than enough, Bradley and Florentine also promised each other to take their mental health more serious and that's why Florentine found herself in a zoom call with her therapist two days before New Years Eve.

She just got off of her last shift for the year since Archie and Marley planned a little trip for themselves and had under ten minutes to freshen up. The girl wasn't exactly sure why she felt the need to do that in the first place, because her therapist had seen her in far worse states, but somewhere deep down she wanted to impress him, especially after the long pause between their appointments.

When she was sat at her kitchen island with her favorite coffee mug, dressed in a freshly cleaned woolen sweater and a hint of dark red lipstick on her lips, Florentine started to feel the nerves setting in. The girl took a few long breaths and checked her blood sugar, which was higher than she intended for it to be. Her blood sugars went crazy whenever Florentine was stressed and it was something that stressed the girl out even more, putting her in the middle of an endless cycle, but sometimes all she could do about it was simply admit defeat and sit it out.

That's what she was planning on doing now anyways.

As soon as the familiar face of her therapist stared back at her through the computer screen, Florentine plastered a smile onto her face, trying to make it look as authentic as possible. The Beaufort girl was stupid enough to believe she could fool her therapist that has known her for years now.

At first it felt weird to go back to her mother tongue despite having done so a few days ago when she was on the call with her mother, but the French rolled off of her tongue like no time passed and she also enjoyed hearing back from her therapist. She always thought he had a really relaxing voice.

Soon enough Florentine was faced with old fears and suffocating problems, that grew whenever the girl kept re-scheduling and cancelling appointments. She was well-aware that it was going to set them back quite a bit and despite her therapist trying to word it kindly, she was right to think he'd scold her for it. But in some weird way, Florentine was grateful for it, because it meant that he hadn't given up on her yet. He believed she could get better despite the hiatus on her healing journey.

Florentine told him about the message she received over the holidays and how weird it felt to have her mother reach out to her. Bastién and Evelyn might have hired the man, but he wasn't going to tell them about their sessions, Florentine was sure of that and therefore confided in him, telling him how it affected her the past few days. It felt good to get it off her chest.

The French girl was grateful to have Brad, who was always trying to give his honest opinion on things, but with her therapist it felt as if he knew how to react to certain things better. He made her see things from a point of view she usually wouldn't try to view a situation from. It was something the girl almost forgot with all the anxiety and self-doubt clouding her mind whenever her mind crossed the topic of therapy.

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