Chapter 1

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Susan knew everyone would declare her crazy. They were right. It was insane going out alone in the dark. But this inner voice urged her to go on. The road was in a rural area, with no streetlights, so she used the flashlight on her phone to guide her. Shoved into the ground was a stake with a red aluminum plate. The reflective coating shimmered in the beam of her flashlight. Bold white letters read: 'private property, no trespassing'. Thinking those signs were hostile, she looked up the driveway and saw a black pickup truck. A dark-colored bumper sticker with something white caught her attention. She walked a little farther, praying they wouldn't mistake her for a burglar. This was no doubt a town where everyone was a proud member of the NRA and thus well stocked. A closer look confirmed what she already suspected. Taking a deep breath, she tried to shake off this feeling of pending doom. She could still turn back. In her head, she heard the words 'Stand back and standby'. There was no other choice. She had to do this. Lights were visible behind the windows of the house. A dog barked. Great, another thing to worry about. At the front door, she knocked and quickly stepped back, ready to duck if someone would point a gun at her. The dog went berserk and the barking sounded louder. 'Please God, let it be a person who asks questions first'. Susan heard somebody remove a bolt and turn a key inside a lock. A man with broad shoulders and a half smile opened the door. "Yes?"

His bright blue eyes sent a shiver down her spine. With no gun in sight, Susan let out a breath of relief. "Eh, my car, the tank is empty, and my phone is dead. I was wondering if I could use your phone to call a taxi or an Uber. I need a lift to a gas station."

"Your car and your phone?" After he studied her from top to bottom, he smiled. "Do you have a gas can?"

"Eh no. I'm sorry. This has never happened to me before."

"I can give you a ride to the gas station."

Before she could answer, he walked back into the house. She heard the jingling sound of car keys. Still out of sight, he asked: "Are you afraid of dogs?"

"Depends." She raised her voice to make sure he heard her.

He came back holding a dog by its collar. "Molly here's still a pup and I can't leave her. Mind if I bring her along?"

She looked down and saw a cheerful dog looking at her while wagging her tail excessively. The dog tried to get past her master, but she only managed to get her head between his legs. "How old is she?"

"Almost a year. Sorry, she's jumpy but friendly." He picked up her leash, which was hanging next to the door, and attached it to her collar. "Come on, my truck's over here."

She followed him and the pup to the pickup truck she'd seen earlier. The back contained all kinds of pipes, lumber, and tools. "Are you in construction?"

He laughed. "No, I'm helping out a friend."

She nodded. If not building, what did he do for a living?

He opened the door, picked up the pup, and set her in the car. With his arm, he signaled her to follow the dog. She grabbed the handle and pulled herself up. Sitting in the car, she wondered if she had done the right thing. What if he took her to his torture den? She swallowed. Wasn't the puppy a sign of his good character?

Chad walked around the truck and got into the driver's seat. This girl who rang his bell must be incredibly gullible, to knock on the door of a total stranger and jump into his car. He petted his dog. She probably thought that him having a dog meant he wasn't dangerous. He smiled. Was this his lucky day? The gas station was a twenty-minute drive, at least the one he decided on. That gave him enough time to have some fun. "What's your name?"


He nodded.

"And yours?"


Make him love me again (Love: stand back and standby)Where stories live. Discover now