Chapter 2

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He called the next morning. Susan tried to be distant and cool. "How are you?"

The chuckle in his voice made her feel like she was on fire. "I'm fine. Did you get home safe? I didn't receive your message."

"Sorry, I forgot." That was a lie. She had convinced herself he wasn't seriously interested in her. Maybe she was wrong. "And yes, I came home safe. You must think I'm a walking disaster."

"I think you're beautiful." A pause as if he had spoken before thinking it through. Susan felt her heart rate go up. He thought she was beautiful.

"Anyway, maybe you want to go out for a drink or something?"

Susan had been working behind her desk, but now she was walking in circles through her living room with the phone pressed against her ear. "That would be great." Easy Susan. Can we try a little more 'playing hard to get'? "Er, I mean cool. That would be cool. But somewhere outside. Like a picnic?"

"I forgot. You're afraid of the flu."

His tone woke her up. "Yes, the flu that killed over two hundred thousand people. I have a work meeting right now. So..."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. A picnic sounds great. I can bring Molly if you like?"

Susan kept him waiting for an answer, pretending she was thinking. "Alright."

They agreed on a time and place somewhere midway between their hometowns and talked a bit more. That whole day, Susan couldn't stop smiling.


Despite being chilly, the picnic was great. They both brought food to share while walking through the park. Susan discovered they had more in common than she'd have expected. Afterward, he sent her flowers. They met a few times more, always outside, and they kissed. He was a good kisser. She felt butterflies just thinking about it. As if she summoned him with her thoughts, her phone rang.


His voice and the lingering memories of him kissing her made her cheeks burn. "Hi."

"I've invited a few friends to my place this Saturday. Do you want to join us?"

Susan bit her lip. Was she ready to meet his friends? "Er, I don't know. You live far away and for me to drive to your place and return on the same night..."

"You can stay over. I mean, you can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

His sweet remark made her smile. He was so kind. And she'd love to invite him over to her bed. This thought made her feel even hotter. "It'll be inside. I mean, the party?"

"We can do it outside."

"Let me think about it."

"I'll send you the time and my address because if I remember correctly, you came to my place by accident."

Susan laughed. "How is Molly?"

"She misses you."

"She told you how?" Susan could almost see him grin.

"I can see it in her eyes."

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