Part 3 |The Case of the New Neighbors|

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Charles just shrugged with a smirk on his face. "I think she means she's gonna help with Crystals demon."
"Oh good, another psychic to deal with."

I hopped up the stairs to my apartment, ready to just relax and watch (your favourite movie), before having an absolutely amazing sleep. That was the plan until I saw my neighbor, the new one that I hadn't had the chance to meet yet, staring dumbfounded at Niko's door.

I was about to say hi and introduce myself, all the typical pleasantries, when I realized who it was. "Crystal??"

She swiveled around, "Y/N?" The shock was prevalent in her voice, "what are you doing here?" The shock turned weary. She probably thought I followed her.

"Uh, I live right there," I pointed at my room.

"What?! No way!" She sounded excited now. This girl had crazy mood swing. "I can't believe I didn't realize it you were my neighbor."

"I can..." Crystal looked confused, "believe it, I mean. I don't get out much, and when I do, I tend to stay out for a long time, so... it makes sense." I explained to the best of my abilities.

~~ flash back ~~

I was in the washroom when I faintly heard voices coming from the butcher shop below my apartment. I took off my headphones and turned my music off, listening closely as I heard footsteps ascending up the stairs. The keys on Jenny's key rings jangled as she opened up the room to the right of my own.

"Rents weekly," Jenny's harsh voice seeped through the thin walls, "just the three rooms up here, Niko and Y/N are your only neighbour's. Both keep to themselves."

Something felt off. I could feel it. The energy in the building had definitely shifted somehow. This usually happens only when Esther, the resident Port Townsend witch, but most people thought she was just eccentric.

"You seem nice." I heard Jenny continue, "don't vandalize anything."

"That girls room is wallpapered with anime and loads of pictures of guys." I heard a male voice speak up.

"And that other girl has some peculiar hobbies and a particular knack for creepy art..." a higher pitched male voice chimed in.

'Did they go in my room?!' I thought, 'how did Jenny not see or stop them?'

"You shouldn't be going in there." A young girls voice said sternly.

"We're ensuring neither of them are serial killers." The higher pitch voice explained. "You think it's wise to have a landlord with a meat cleaver, and a potential murderer or two where we're living?"

"We're not living anywhere. Because you're not living." The girl said in a sarcastic tone. I didn't really understand what she meant, probably that the boys wouldn't be staying with her. Seems wise on her part, I haven't even met them, but the seem uptight and a bit creepy.

At this point I put my headphones back on, and slunk back into the privacy my room, privacy that had possibly been violated by my new neighbors.

~~ Back to present ~~

"Wanna come in?" Crystal invited.

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