Part 9 |The Case of the Cat King|

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(!!Important note!! If you've been reading this story as it comes out, you might know Y/N was originally Decay the Endless, but I'm changing it to Desolation the Endless- it makes more sense because she seen as pointless and useless by her siblings, and is afraid of being alone)

The cats meowed and yowled as the four of us walked towards the 'Imperial Pacific Cannery'. Home of the Cat King.

The building was desolate and abandoned, save for the cats running all about. The lone cat in the centre of it all, sitting atop a thrown of wood crates and pallets, stood out the most.

"All right, then. This is a matter of diplomacy. So let me do that talking." Edwin said studiously.

"Diplomacy? It's just a bunch of cats."

    "You sure you wanna talk? I can talk to him if you want," I smiled, "I'm pretty good at talking!"

    "I am well aware," he quipped. I feigned offence.

There were a bunch of cats in front of us that scattered upon our arrival at the Cat Kings thrown, reviling the horribly mutilated corpse of a now unidentifiable person. Crystal gasped, and a wretched slightly. I hadn't seen a mangled body like this in a long while, and I wish it had stayed that way.

"They didn't like him, did they?" Charles couldn't pull his eyes off the mess of flesh.

"What's wrong? Just a bunch of cats," the cat who brought us here spoke.

"We were invited to see the Cat King," Edwin sounded unsure of himself while talking to the fluffy cat on the throne.

With one last flick of its tail, in a purple burst of flames, the cat had transformed into a young man. "Hi," the King greeted. Though it was anything but a pleasantry.

Crystal leaned over and whispered, "can all cats do that?"

Charles was about to respond when the cat kind answered for her. More rather mocked her. "Can all cats to that?" He laughed, "of course not. I'm a Cat King. I can tell your not the brains of the operation," he stated before comically yawning, "oh, sorry, I'm already bored." He let out a little wheeze, "which one of them used the magic on you?"

"The scrawny one that just had the nerve to talk to you," the cat answered with no hesitation.

"Oh," the Cat King smiled through pursed lips.

I wanted to say something, anything to try and make this better. But I followed Edwin's wishes and stayed silent. "We are the Dead Boy Detectives, and we're solving a mystery-"

"Oh, I don't care." The Cat King cut him off, "using magic on my cats is a total car crash on your part." He pointed at Edwin, shaking his head. "We... should discuss your offence..." he paused for dramatic effect, "privately."

Now I had to say something, if I didn't, I don't know what would happened to Edwin, what the Cat King would do to him. 'Maybe if he knew who I was, he wouldn't hurt Edwin?' I thought.

I was about to say something, when I saw Charles reach into his 'bag-of-tricks'. "Oi," Charles called in a cool tone, "he's not going anywhere with you." Both Charles and Crystal looked ready to fight.

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