Part 5 |The Case of Desolation the Endless|

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"What are you two doing? You know what? I don't wanna know. And I don't care how old either of you are. Go to bed." She flicked the fluorescent lights back off and walked away.
I had to stifle a laugh. Crystal kicked my foot under the table. "What?" I asked while quietly giggling. From the look on Charles' face he found this all quite funny as well. Even Edwin looked amused.

"Well, I think that's our cue," I stood up with a stretch and a yawn, ready for a much needed sleep. Crystal and the boys followed suit. I pushed in my chair, so did Edwin. Charles and Crystal on the other hand had left their chairs out and just walked off. Leaving Edwin and I in the shop. I pushed in one chair, Edwin pushed in the other.

We stood there in silence for a moment, acknowledging each others curiosity. I cleared my throat, "I, uh... I'm gonna go," I pointed up toward my room. Edwin have a small nod. I took that as my cue to go. I didn't want to make things anymore awkward.

As I walked up the stairs, I didn't hear Edwin. I looked behind, and he wasn't there. I was confused at first, until I remembered he didn't have to use the stairs like I do, he could just go up there. I laughed quietly at myself. I don't know why I was thinking about him so much.

At my door, I reached for my key ring in my pocket. When I pulled them out, they slipped from my hand, clattering to the hard wood floor. I turned to reach for them, but my hand bumped into Edwin's. We both stood and he handed my keys back to me.

"Thanks," I smiled. I couldn't help but wonder why he was there though. Had he just been watching me, or did he just happen to be there at the perfect, or did he hear the keys drop... I tried to shake the thoughts from my head.

"Of course," the faint smile on his face was so sweet, so genuine. I had the feeling this wasn't normal for him, sweetness. He seemed like the type to have a very hardened shell, or giant concrete walls around him to not let anyone in. I could understand that, I was quite similar in that way. Not letting anyone in, in fear of getting hurt.

"I..." I started to speak, but the words caught in my throat, "uh, yeah..." I could feel my cheeks warming up. I was never good in awkward situation like this. 'God, why am I so damn weird all the time' I mentally kicked myself.

I stepped in and was about to close the door when, "Um... may I..." Edwin's sheepish voice called out. I looked up at him with curiosity in my eyes. "may I join you?" He asked, unsure of how his words were coming off.

"Oh," I was surprised, "uh, sure." I wasn't skeptics of this per-say, but I was definitely confused. I loved out of the doorway to let him in. But, as if to prove a point, he just disappeared from the hallway, then reappeared inside my room. "Right... forgot about that," I sighed a laugh and closed the door.

I plopped down on the end of my bed, gentility seining my feet back and forth while I watched Edwin look around my room. He was trying to not look obvious, but by doing so, he just looked all the more obvious.

"Sooo..." I broke the silence.

"So," he repeated casually.

"Wanna sit?" I offered, motioning to the red armchair, about a foot away from my bed.

"Look," he started, "I'm going to be blunt-"

"When are you even not blunt?" I asked, causing him to stop in his tracks before continuing.

"Yes, well... I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't... hurt your feelings," these words sounded foreign coming from his mouth, as he usually wouldn't care wether or not he hurt someone's feelings. He cleared his throat, "you aren't a psychic... are you?"

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