Ch-13 (You are not as Bad as You Let on)

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(Pictures used below are not mine Credit Goes to its Owner But the story Told below is mine)

As the days melded into weeks, the tension of their rigorous training and missions began to blend into a kind of routine for the teams under Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. It was on a particularly crisp morning that Kakashi gathered the young shinobi of Teams 7, 11, and 12 beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient tree that stood as a silent witness to countless such sessions.

"Today," Kakashi began, his voice casual but firm, "we'll be focusing on a fundamental skill that is vital for every shinobi: the Tree Walking Exercise. This is not just about physical ability; it's about chakra control, about understanding and managing your energy to defy gravity."

A murmur of surprise and mild amusement passed through the assembled genin. Naruto stepped forward, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Kakashi-sensei, we already know how to do that," he said confidently, his voice carrying the weight of a challenge. Around him, nods of agreement came from both his team and the others.

Kakashi's visible eye crinkled with amusement. "Is that so? Well then, it seems I might not have much to teach you today." He paused, scanning the group of young faces, each set with the earnestness of youth and the eager readiness to prove themselves. "But let's make sure everyone is on the same level as A High chunin. Obito, Rin," he turned slightly to address his fellow jounin, "do you think your teams need a refresher, or should we move on to something a bit more... advanced?"

Obito, his gaze thoughtful, looked over his team and then back at Kakashi. "I think they've got the basics down pretty well. Maybe we should push them a bit further today."

Rin, her demeanor always calm and collected, nodded in agreement. "I agree. Our teams have been practicing chakra control extensively. They're ready for more challenging tasks."

"Very well," Kakashi replied with a nod. Turning back to the genin, he said, "Since you all claim to be proficient in tree walking, you're free to practice as you see fit. Use this time to refine your control or help each other out. Remember, the better your chakra control, the more effective you'll be in the field."

As Kakashi finished speaking, the genin dispersed, some in small groups, others alone, each moving towards different parts of the dense forest that surrounded them. The sounds of footsteps and occasional chatter filled the air as they practiced, pushing each other to climb higher and hold their chakra more steadily.

From a distance, Naruto, Miku, and Ayato worked together under Rin's watchful eye. "Let's see how high we can go without breaking concentration," Ayato suggested, his earlier defiance shifting into a focused determination.

Miku nodded, her face serene but her eyes sharp with concentration. "Let's do it. Remember, it's not just about going high, but maintaining your chakra flow evenly," she reminded them.

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Their laughter and light-hearted taunts filled the air, blending with the rustle of leaves and the gentle wind, as each of them climbed higher, not just in the physical sense but also in their mastery of the ninja arts. Under the canopy of ancient trees, a new generation of shinobi was steadily, and determinedly, rising.

As the day progressed, Obito gathered Team 11 with a determined gleam in his eye, while Rin ushered Team 12 away with a serene confidence. Naruto glanced between the two groups, a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of his stomach. "This doesn't bode well," he muttered under his breath, casting a quick glance towards his teammates, Miku and Ayato.

Obito led Team 11 through the dense forest, his steps purposeful as they ventured deeper into the wilderness. Eventually, they arrived at a clearing nestled between towering trees, the sunlight filtering through the canopy above. "Alright, Team 11," Obito began, his voice carrying a mix of authority and warmth, "today, we're going to focus on improving our teamwork and coordination in combat scenarios."

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