A/N: New story?? (Help)

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Hi guys!! I'm so sorry that this still isn't an update aaaah
I feel so bad tbh-

but I promise I haven't been gone completely, I still write here and there and have plenty things started, yet nothing finished...

And that's actually what brought me here, because I did start writing a LOT of stories but haven't finished them yet, and I'm debating if I should upload them here... because I love sharing the stuff I write with y'all and the started stories are just rotting in my drafts-

Sooooo, would y'all be interested in reading them?? Even though they're farrr from finished? I could give you some pre information and you can comment which would interest you the most!

Lets do this! Ahhh I'm excited to show you my ideas!! <3

Okay so, lets do this with numbers and small little snippets of information and how much I've written till now (14th. May 2024)!

1 – LATATA [Minsung]
Minho cant believe his eyes when he gets dragged into the club by his dance crew. Its not the scenery or scent of alcohol making him freeze in space. Not the music, mist or lights either.
But the very glance of a divinely shaped body, skilfully slinging and bending itself around a silver shimmering pole. Soft, brown hair flowing around a prettily shaped face.
A face he remembered all too well, from his dreams, and daily visits at the local cafe.
So, what was the cute barista doing here? Fetchingly swaying his well shaped body to mind clouting melodies...

Its a story with coffee shop au and stripper / club au combined and i really love the idea of it tbh. I aimed for it to be comforting yet include many mature themes, yes smut too, and it's planned to be the background story for Minsung in my other book "Complicated business trip" [Hyunlix]

Written: Introduction, prologue, 2 chapters

2 – I'll be your man [Stray Kids]
How far would you dare to go to save your best friend?
Seven young men, once so full of youth and life, are shattered and broken into many pieces of regret, bargaining and loss.
Their best friend, Hyunjin, died, and they believe it's their fault. If only they had looked out better for their friend, if they had protected him, and paid more attention to him. Maybe he would still be here?
But there is hope for the seven, while the body is still inhabiting the soul of their friend, they could bring him back. Until the moon is full again and brightly shining down onto earth. Only then Hyunjin's soul will leave his body for good.
But the ritual is risky, and definitely forbidden in every way possible. It could cost their own lives, or it'll bring Hyunjin back. So, how far would you dare to go, to bring your best friend back?

Inspired by the unforgettable "I'll be your man" performance and Lyrics I started writing this pretty deep story. It focuses on their friendships and bargaining and loss. It contains the most angst I've ever written but I love it. Couples are included! Otherwise I'd cry tbh, I neeeeed the fluff haha but no smut, I feel like it doesn't fit the vibe I'm trying to go with :)

Written: Introduction, 1 ½ chapters, the whole planning

3 – Want so BAD [Minsung]
"We really shouldn't be doing this, Min." "But do you want it?" "Yes, yes I want it so bad."
Two best friends, making history in a group of eight in the kpop music industry. The bond between Minho and Jisung had been special and really precious from the very beginning.
But over the years their friendship had become something more, deeper. But they couldn't allow themselves to fall in love with each other, their best friend and bandmate, right?

The "real life" au I've been wanting to write in foreverrr!! And its my most recently started one hehe! So I actually don't really know what else to say abt it, since it's still pretty much in the planning phase buuuttt I love it a lot so far :))

Written: Introduction, prologue, 2 chapters

4 – Revolution [Minsung]
Jisung, a prince born different than all his ancestors before. In a kingdom destined to fall. With Minho as the number one rebel to make that city burn. He wants nothing more than the royal bloodline dead.
"These people, this city, dont you see that they're yawing for a revolution?" "And you think you're the one to give them this revolution?"

Ahhh I always love me some Enemies to Lovers hehe! Its a royalty au with many twists and I enjoyed writing it a lot! However, I wrote this a loooong time ago so I don't know if the writing is that good... but the idea is great, I think :))

Written: Introduction, prologue, 10 chapters,

5 – Only know you love him when you let him go [Jeongchan]
Sometimes you realise that you really love someone too late
And falling in love with the only person you could never have is the worst feeling ever.
But falling in love can be the most beautiful feeling to humankind, and once you experience it you wouldnt want to let it go.
And being stuck between wrong person, right time and right person, wrong time really sucks.
Two broken boys falling for each other, too emerged into their feelings to get the grasp of how deep they actually go, until one day they would have to let each other go.

Damn I really don't like this description- might be because I wrote this a loooong time ago haha but I still like the plot behind it (Chan as an exchange student in Korea, falling in love with Jeongin, IN falling for him as well but neither realize it until its too late). Its also a bit deep but I want to make it as fluffy as possible :) Its also inspired by the lyrics of "Let Her Go" by Passenger!

Written: Introduction, 2 chapters


Well, those are the five which have more than the introduction and idea of storyline written down HAHAH Soooo if you'd be interested to read one of these, PLEASE let me know!!!

I think I'll eventually publish all of them but let me know which would be your preferences!

And on top of that, I have a few more with only the idea + storyline written down but no chapters yet haha I really cant focus on one story at a time-

I'll give you the titles, let me know if any of these spark some interest haha

- Forbidden [Jeongchan], I actually have a chapter written down already for this whoa

- Friendzest [Stray Kids] just a lot of smut tbh- where they're all dating every member, yk?

- I'd let the world burn [Minsung] the planning was HEAVY on this one I love ittt, yet haven't started writing it .-. (royalty au!)

- Criminals [Stray Kids] They're all criminals- whoa who could have guessed that with that title?! XD

- Money and Lies [Hyunlix] servant x rich kid haha its maybe cliché but I like it :)

AND really IMPORTANT!! I wont go proofread all of them before I upload, so there might be more grammar mistakes than usually, I apologize for that! Nonetheless, I really look forward to sharing these ideas with you!! <33

Sooo, that's everything for now! Thank you sooo incredibly much for all the support!! I fr love y'all! And please let me know your thoughts about the stories! Please!

That's it for now! I wish you to have great days / nights !! <3

~Tay 🩵

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