Chapter 11

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It's been a night of interacting with members of the pack but avoiding Will. I feel like I actually belong now and I have everyone here to thank. There's been food, music and stories which has made the night fly by and I'm almost sad that it's all over.

As the last few people are eft, me and Ben say our goodbye's and make our way back to my house. Ben's been so different in this past week, he's been patient and he's been a man that I'd be happy to stand at the side of. I have felt wary all week, worried that the nice guy was an act that he had been putting on to trap me in a weird way. I had no need to be, he's not a vicious guy, not to me andyway and I know he never would be.

I'm not a vulnerable person, I may not have a wolf but I'm still as strong as one, more powerful than one and I have my own advantages. Ben would never test me, not in a way that challenged who I am, not in a way that made us go against eachother. Mates share a bond that is almost indescribable. I thought I knew what it was like to have a mate after watching my mom and day for all those years, but I didn't. Witnessing the bond between two people and actually having the bond with someone is completely different, they're worlds apart.

I thought I could just stay away, I thought that the bond wouldn't be as strong because we aren't the same, but it's hit me like a tonne of bricks, a boulder that's smashed into me without even cracking. It's swinging back and forth like a pendulum, hitting me every time that I'm around him and it's impossible to avoid.

"The pack love you" Ben says as we walk towards the forest.

I look up at him, unable to hide my smile "You have a good pack here"

He nods "I know, they're great wolves"

"Has it always been such a good pack?" I ask, curious about the pack history.

"The book can probably explain more than I can" He says, referring to the book I had started reading earlier. "But it's been like this since my great grandfather whipped them into shape"

I cock a brow. Whipped them into shape? I'm curious what he means by this. "Was he a harsh leader?"

He's unsure how to answer "Aren't we all?" He reads my confused expression and begins to explain what he means. "Alpha's need to show their pack that misbehaviour has consequences and that's something that we didn't have before my great-grandfather." He begins "So, with that in mind, he knew that things had to change and things did. He introduced punishment, imprisonment and rules"

I tilt my head "Rules?"

"Basic pack rules. You don't reveal yourself to a human unless they're your mate, you inflict no violence to humans, you don't betray your pack or you risk being killed or disowned, the list goes on"

They seem like understandable rules, rules that a lot of supernatural worlds have, like us witches. "You said imprisonment, can't you just disown them instead?"

He shakes his head "I wish it was that easy. Often, rogues will want vengeance and it's easy now-a-days to build a rogue pack and fight nasty"

I remember the attack on my pack and nod in agreement. Rogues are the problem in the wolf world today, they like to be feared, they remind me a lot of Hyena's, circling and waiting to pounce. "I'm well aware of that" I say, my mind casting back to the day of the attack.

"I'm sorry" He says, almost like he can see the flashbacks.

I shake my head "It's fine. I asked." I say. "So you lock them up and throw away the key?"

"It depends, we try and get what we want from them and if they co-operate then we think of meeting them halfway and making a deal."

I know what he means by this. "You try and get what you want by inflicting pain, don't you?"

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