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Running in the woods. In my birthday dress. Which was covered in blood.

My father's blood. The Alphas blood.

The alpha of the biggest, most powerful pack there is as of now.

I didn't kill him, everyone thinks I did but I didn't.

It might be because I was found holding the knife that killed him, and his blood was all over me. It was only because I was there to hold him in his last few minutes of life.

The memory was still fresh in my mind.


I was having fun at my 16th birthday party, I was dancing around and everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I wasn't a girly person, and the things I got were some clothes, a backpack, a few different kinds of knives which I've been wanting for a long time now. My mom and dad had given me a locket with a photo of my brother and me along with my parents. My brother gave me a wooden wolf bracelet and I was happy with everything I had.

It was close to the end of the night, and I had packed my clothes and all the other knick knacks I got into the backpack and was bringing them up to my room. On my way to my room I passed my dad's office and the smell of blood hit my nose.

I didn't have my wolf yet but anyone could tell what that smell was, with the intense scent it gave off.

I hesitantly opened the door and froze at the scene before me.  Some things were knocked over like there had been a fight, and crimson stains decorated the white walls like a paint splatter painting.  My eyes drifted down to the red pool surrounding my dad, coming from the cut flesh of his chest by a silver dagger.

I ran over and kneeled next to him, staining my light peach dress red.

He was holding an envelope out for me to take, which I did.  I didn't spare it a second glance.  As I was trying to take this in, I heard my fathers usually smooth and steady voice sounding weak and broken.

"Juliet, take this and run.. Don't come back." he said quietly, a shaky hand lifting to cup my cheek as teardrops started sliding down my cheeks.  I was too scared to Say anything, I didn't know what I'd say if there wasn't a lump in my throat.

"Don't be scared, Juliet. Be brave. I love you, now go." And the last of the air in his lungs left him.  My body shook as the sobs raked my chest. I leaned over him, kissing his forehead and shutting his lifeless blue eyes which held so much life before.  I didn't want the silver dagger to stay in his chest, so I shakily grabbed the hilt, pulling it out and letting it clunk to the ground.

I made myself a promise that day, to figure out who did this, why they did it.  I wouldn't stop until that person laid dead at my feet.

The sound of combat boots hitting hardwood sounded nearby, someone was coming. I slipped my silver high heels off, tossing them aside before making my way to the balcony just as my father's Beta, Ryan, walked in and looked at me then my father.

He went to quickly grab me but I was over the rail before he could, throwing my bag over my shoulder, lifting my dress with my hands and running off in no specific direction.


One disadvantage that came with being in a big pack is that I had a lot of land to cross before I could even think about stopping.

Every time my legs threatened to give out, I willed myself even faster, biting down the burning in my lungs and my erratic heart beat.

I heard the crunch of leaves as big paws hit them at quick speeds, I could faintly feel the thump, thump, thump from those said paws through my feet as they hit the ground.

At least I had a decent headstart.

Eventually, finally. I made it to the border and passed it, slowing down and looking back at my home..

My old home.

I started walking in no mans land, not even knowing where I was. What I did know was that my feet ached and my lungs burned, my breath heavy and labored.  My legs felt like they would give way but the adrenaline was still waring off, getting me further.  I soon came to a stream and I fell next to it, drinking the crystal clear liquid and letting it soothe my dry throat and mouth.

I ended up finding a decent outfit in my bag, leather pants and a tank top, as well as running shoes. I changed and looked at my bloody and torn dress, tossing it to the side to deal with later.

I looked around the tiny meadow, seeing no sign of life.

I was on my own now, truly and completely alone.


A/N: so I kinda just randomly got the inspiration for this story and I feel like it can be big.

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