Chapter 11

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It was a few days later and I could walk again, but I was still sore and taking it easy.

Stefan had me stay with him a majority of the time.  After he wasn't there to catch me after my fall he's been paranoid, and I just went with him to keep him happy.

We haven't really kissed since the first time, and it wouldn't leave me alone.

Stefan had called me to his office because we were going to call my brother.  Well, stefan was.  I was there to listen and nothing else.

I sat on his desk and he dialed the number, putting it on speaker and waiting for him to answer.

"This is Alpha Max."

"Hello, this is Alpha Stefan of a northbound pack."

"I remember calling you about a fugitive, what can I do for you?"

"We found the fugitive and have her imprisoned." I could see that he struggled to say that knowing it was about me.  I reached over and took his hand into my own, and he smiled at me.

"You caught the runner?" He asked, almost disbelieving that that was possible.

"Yes, she ran onto our land and we surrounded her.  She's been here for about 3 weeks and she recently told us who she was." He explained, which wasn't a complete lie.

"We can come take her off your hands within the next few days.  I will come personally to get her.  Thank you for getting back to me." I could tell that there was an undertone emotion I couldn't exactly place.

"Anytime.  I'll see you in the next few days then."

"See you then." Stefan said hanging up the phone and then standing up and just pulling me into a hug.

I hugged back and his my face in the crook of his neck.  "I'm here, I'm not going to leave you." I muttered, and he took a visible breath in and out.

We had planned to bond tonight, and we had the plan that would keep me safe but also get my hotheaded brother to listen to my warning of Xaiver.

He pulled away and looked at my, his eyes moving over me before he pulled me into a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to his body, making my legs wrap around his waist.

He nipped at my lip and I opened my mouth, our tongues then intertwining and such. 

My hand tangled itself in his hair, and I tugged it a little, learning that hair pulling was a thing he liked, and he was figuring out a couple things I liked as well.

He pulled his mouth from mine and peppered kisses down my jaw and to my neck, licking over the place he'd mark me later that night.

"Well I didn't expect that." I said with a little laugh which was returned.

I removed my hand from his hair and attempted to make it less messy looking, and it worked a little.

"Ready to go on that run?" He asked and I nodded, jumping down from the desk and running out the back door to the beginning of the trees.

He walked up behind me a couple moments later and I turned to him with a smile.

"Someone a little eager?" He joked, removing his shirt and placing it behind a tree.

"Its been a while since I let my wolf out, so yes." I countered, going into the treelineto remove my clothes.

"Why are you hiding? I'm going to see it later anyway"

"I know but I've never, phased in front of anyone before and I want to be a little conservative, no one has to see all the goods." I shot back as I pushed my shorts down.  I knew I was going on a run today so I didn't have a bra or panties on.

"I'm phasing." He said to me from the path. 

I also took a deep breath and let my wolf surface, and moments later I was on all fours and my senses heightened.

I moved my clothes to be next to Stefans before I stepped onto the path to be met with a midnight black wolf sitting back on his haunches.  Once I stepped through the trees he got onto all fours and we approached each other, letting our wolves take each other in. 

They sniffed at each other and learned the others smell.

Once we were both happy with the inspection we started our run.  We started at a slow trot type pace before we started running.

After I few moments I ran out in front of him, challenging him to a race.

I flicked an ear back to listen for him behind me, and I heard him close by.

I jumped over a log and continued running, moving a bit faster.

He was soon next to me and starting to get ahead,  so using the power in my back legs I propelled myself forward, getting a good 5 lengths in front of him. 

I was now running full speed, and Stefan kept getting farther behind me.

I was so preoccupied with staying ahead and not looking at where I was going that I got blindsighted by someone tackling me, causing a tumbling roll into a ditch.

I managed on top though and I was acting on instinct when I showed my teeth and growled a little, then realizing it was Stefan.

I sighed and got off, huffing a little as I caught my breath.

He got up and shook his fur out, climbing back out of the ditch.

That was a little weird, but I followed him and saw why he stopped me. 

There was a bear trap a few meters away, covered with leaves.

I watched as he set the trap off, snapping a stick in half.

He motioned back the way we came and started running back.

I went to the trees and phased, also putting my clothes on before stepping out as Stefan pulled his shorts up.

"Thanks.. And I'm sorry I growled at you.  I wasn't thinking too clearly."

"It's alright.  I would've done the same."

"What was that doing out there?  Hunters don't come out this far."

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out eventually.  For now, I'd like to go eat dinner." He said smiling a little and holding his hand out.

I returned it and we walked inside as the sky got dark.

I knew what was coming, but I couldn't help being nervous.

I sighed and tried to distract myself with anything other than thinking about what was happening later that night.

I sighed and looked up as my phone (something Stefan insisted I get) lit up with a report of some kind.

I opened it and read the little article, seeing that it was about a blood moon that was happening tonight.  I just closed the article and shut my phone off.

It wasn't important, and I had other things on my mind.

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