Chapter 10

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"We have to talk to my brother."

"What? Why? You know he's the one supplying your bounty right?" Stefan said, looking panicked.

"I know but this is important, I need to see him." I said quietly, hoping that he would let me.

"What's this about? That message obviously scared you. Who's X and what does he have to do with your brother?"

I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Before my dad met my mom he was an impulsive and didn't think straight.. He was jealous of another alpha, Xaiver. So he raided Xaivers pack and home.. He killed Xaivers mate in cold blood. My mom is Xaivers daughter. My dad took everything from him. Xaiver then swore that he would take everything from my father like my father did to him.. So now he's coming after me and my brother.." I explained, watching Stefan's face.

"If you go to your brother he'll just imprison you and I don't want to lose you when I just found you." He countered.

"Stefan I have to do this. My brother might be a dick but he's still my baby brother.. And he's the only family I have left. I saw my dad take his last breath and I am not going to let that happen again. You're either with me on this or against me Stefan. I will not leave him alone."

"That's what he did to you though Juliet! I don't trust him to not hurt you for the death of your father. I won't let you get yourself killed. You aren't thinking straight."

"He's the only family I have left. I don't care what he's done in the past. He was angry and grieving and needed someone to blame."

Stefan took a deep breath and rubbed his face before standing and pacing a little.

"Fine. But you aren't doing it alone and we are going to think about how we do this. We won't just go barging in on him with all of this." He said, surprising me with how calm he was.

"Fine." I agreed quietly, leaning back a little.

It was silent before he sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap.

I then realized that I was shaking and tears were falling from my eyes.

He rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth a little, placing kisses in my hair and muttering little nothings.

"I'm scared Stefan.." I whispered into his chest, which was dampening with my tears.

"I know you are, Even I'm a little scared. But Xaiver won't lay a hand on you, I'll make sure of that. I'll keep you safe." He said softly, looking down at my face.

"Thank you Stefan, for everything. I realize it's not going to be easy for you to be with me."

"Easy is boring." He answered, getting a giggle from me, he in turn smiling.

I moved so I was straddling him, glancing at his lips before I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. His arms immediately tightened around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck, keeping us close to each other.

I had meant for it to be simple and innocent but we both couldn't stop.

The electricity shooting through my body from where his skin touched mine was addicting.

I moved a hand to wind into his hair, gripping it between my fingers. I pulled a little and got a moan in response, which only drove my body to react more.

I felt on of his hands start to slip up my shirt, and my body moved into his touch.

He bit my lip and pulled it back a little, and a little whimper left my mouth.

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