Chapter 1

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I sighed and tried my hardest to not snap at the lady who wouldn't stop changing her order.

I've been on my own since 16 and now I'm 20. 3 months ago I decided to try being closer to more people, figured it might be safer for me to stay in a town.  I was wrongly accused of a murder I never commited, and got a bounty on my head.  Tracking wolves have been chasing me all the years I've been on my own.  Right now I was residing in a small woodsy town called HighSprings, Washington.

I knew those hunting me were on my tail, but I kinda hoped they wouldn't find me for a while.

I'm adjusting well where I am, and I even had a friend, which was different to being alone all the time.

I also have a job as a waitress at a diner in town.

Which is what brought me to my current situation.

"Would you like me to come back Miss? I have other tables to tend to." I said with the least amount of attitude that I could manage.

She then chose that moment to pick what she wanted to eat. So I wrote the order down and brought it to the kitchen quickly.

I went to go to one of my other tables when the smell hit me.

Shit, they found me.

I quickly hid myself behind the counter and my friend and co-worker Sarah, came over and bent down behind the counter with me. She gave me a confused look.

"Jules what are you doing?"


"from who?"

"Table 6."

And she glanced over the counter before moving her attention back to me.

"They look like underwear models, why hide from that?" She asked getting a little heart eyed for them as she looked at them over the counter again.

"I have a history with them." I said picking my words carefully.

"Want me to cover the rest of your shift?" She asked me giving a somewhat sympathetic look to me.

"Please do.. And Sarah? Tell the boss I'm quitting.." I muttered turning to get ready to leave.

When I came here I told her that I'm not staying here permanently and by the look on her face she realized I had to go.

She gave me a hug that I returned and smiled sadly at her as she went to the table they were at.

I took the apron off my waist and placed it on the counter looking for a way out.

My dark brown hair was tied back in a pony tail with some hair in my face.

I saw Sarah talking and keeping the three of them distracted as I bolted to the back door, quickly grabbing my raincoat and made my way to the busy streets.
I slipped my jacket on and pulled the hood up as I began the walk to my apartment. I always kept my things minimal, just what I needed.

Clothes, weapons, snacks, water, Things of that sort.

Since I've been running I outgrew all the things I started with so I just donated them and bought new ones with the little money I had.

I got my wolf about 2 months after I ran away and my wolf is what kept me alive all this time.

I've been skipping from town to town, getting whatever jobs I could so I could afford to feed myself. I practiced my fighting when I could and eventually, I got very good at it.

With my travels and the fact that I had a bounty on my head, I grew a reputation. They called me the Runner because that's what I did best– I ran.

I made it to my small, run down apartment and looked around, sighing as I saw I wasn't followed.

I ran up the multiple stairways and stopped on the floor my apartment was on. I walked to the door and pulled my key out, opening the door and running around my small place, shoving my stuff into my backpack.

Thank the lord above I haven't bought many clothes while I was here, otherwise I would've felt bad for leaving them behind.

I shoved all my clothes into my backpack as well as the silver knife under my pillow. I had everything I needed in 10 minutes.

I quickly grabbed my little bag with all my money before I ran out and handed my key to the land lord, paid the rent (I was supposed to pay that day anyway) and left the apartment building.

I made my way to the woods surrounding the town and stayed in no mans land.

I made it up the little hill and looked back at the town, I would miss this place. I turned and kept moving when I sensed someone nearby a few moments later, and I picked up my pace.

I turned and saw the people from the diner following me at a distance.

It was then I took off running and I heard them behind me.

At this point I had stopped paying attention to where I was and I was oblivious that I had crossed a packs territory.

I only came to realize as I was surrounded by wolves.

"Alright boys, Let's dance." I stated tossing my bag to the side just as one of them came over to me, and I easily lifted my leg and kicked him in the face.

I delivered punches and kicks to anyone who came close, receiving a few hits as well. One of them had their claws out and managed to get my side, weakening me and distracting me.

I eventually became outnumbered though and my arms were grabbed by two men, and I was knocked out.


When I woke up I had a pounding headache and when I went to sit up I had restricted movements which I realized was because of chains.

I sighed and sat up, looking around and seeing I was in a jail cell type place, and I seemed to be the only one here.

As I sat there, I started getting angry with myself for crossing a pack border. I'd always been so careful and safe, and then I just happen to let my guard down and this happens.

I was probably going to die. This is how Juliet Marie Simmons dies.

After a time I heard keys jingling and muttering, and I lowered my head, pressing my lips in a tight line.

The jingling sounded again only closer.

"What's your name" a deep, yet enticing voice asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I said back, keeping my eyes down.

"Alpha, She's a rouge who was caught on our land." Another voice said.

It was silent for a moment when I felt my head get jerked up, and my electric blue eyes locked with the best forrest green eyes I've seen.



A/N: so the first chapters finished!! I hope its good and that you liked it.

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