Chapter 6

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"Shit, they're here."

"What are yo-" John was interupted by me running around the car and sort of hiding.

It was the guys hunting me down. These are the guys I've been running from. Jake and Seth.. A couple of my old best friends.

"Juliet is everything OK?" Sarah asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Uh yeah, just thought I saw someone who doesn't like me." I said and left it at that before walking towards the mall.

"Alright.." Sarah said following and eventually taking the lead.

"You guys know better what to get and where.." I said looking at the girls.

"We have to find out your style, what type of clothes you like and whatnot. Let's go to Victoria Secret first for girl things." Amanda said. I was starting to tell she was more the fashionista of the little group while Kali was more relaxed and not as into trends.

"John, go look at bed sets in Macy's while we're here" Sarah said, pushing him another direction.

"Are you sure I can't jus-"

"No. I might get a surprise if you go." Whatever that meant, he high tailed it the opposite direction.

"VS sells lingerie." She said in response to my confused face.

"Oh.." I answered, a little more confused because I didn't know what that was.

Amanda grabbed my hand and led me to a section with bras. More than I've ever seen in my life probably.

"What cup size are you?" She asked looking back at me.

"Cup size? I usually just get medium-large sportsbras at dollar stores.." I responded, feeling like I was looking very uneducated at this point.

Amanda looked at me and then put the bras she had down.

"So you never went bra shopping with your mom or used a normal bra?" She asked me.

"I was a late bloomer... And I left home before that happened." I said playing with my lip.

She nodded and had a thoughtful look on her face before she went and got someone to measure me.

After that she picked 4 for me and she also got some weird looking underwear. We went to the clothes next and I felt a little more comfortable here. I was still out of my elemant doing this.

I kinda just left her to do her own thing and do it for me, hoping I wouldn't regret it later.

I started to walk around and look at different things, grabbing sports bras as well. Everything was so, pink and girly and the only thing id probably wear from here is sports bras and yoga pants.

She then came back over to me and showed me the pile so we could get rid of what I didn't like.

The pile went from big to small quickly. I added the sportsbras to the pile though and amanda put the stuff I didn't like back.

Soon after that we checked out. Again, I left that to Amanda. She handed me my bag and Sarah grabbed a few things as well.

Throughout the time there I tried different things on and ended up with 5 bags worth of stuff when we called It a day and went to the food court.

Sarah ended up going to join John to look at bed sets.

I looked at Amanda before asking "what's lingerie?"

"Its like PJs, but its more see through and sexier. Victoria's Secret is known for it as well as the brand 'PINK'. Guys like it because it shows off our assets, in turn giving them a boner." She said giggling a little. I nodded and looked back in the direction of Victoria's Secret.

We grabbed a table and started eating, talking amongst ourselves.

"So, next would be make up but Juliet doesn't wear any." Amanda said looking at me.

"What's it for? You should like the way you look without it."

"Some people just feel better wearing it. We don't have to get you any. But I'm ready to go home." Kali said leaning back and stretching a little.

"Yeah, i'm ready to go home too." I said, everyone else nodded.

Just then John and Sarah joined us and we waited for them to eat, continuing to talk.

"I feel bad about getting expensive stuff. It seems unnessacary." I said looking at the card.

"Its fine, we can afford it." John said looking over.

I just smiled a little at him. I managed to made a few friends already and I was learning different things.

"So, have you and Stefan mated yet?" Amanda just blantly asked. I choked on my water, causing me to choke and cough a little, making the girls giggle and getting a chuckle out of John.

"What?" I asked looking at her with a raised brow.

"Its just a question. When wolves find their mates they usually complete the bond In the first few days." She explained, sipping her drink a little.

"Oh, uh no.." I stammered out, getting uncomfortable and shifting in my seat a little.

"I just can't wait to meet my mate. If only it would happen." Amanda muttered, looking down and collecting her garbage.

"It'll happen when it meant to happen." Kali said as we all stood and threw our stuff out before we went to leave.

I looked at the bags and realized we were missing a bag.

"Guys, go on ahead, I'm going to grab a bag we forgot." And I turned, jogging over to the table and grabbing it.

I was about to stand up when a pair of black boots appeared. I slowly stood and came face to face with Seth.

"Juliet, what a surprise." He said and I looked around, not knowing what to say.

"Seth I-"

"Don't. We're too close to a pack territory to catch you. But know that Alpaha Max isn't ready to let this drop."

"Yeah, I lived with him 16 years remember? I have to go now, before you grab me or someone comes back to see what's taking me so long." And I turned to walk away, stopping and looking back at Seth. "Tell him that I said hi." And I stepped out of the mall, getting into the car.

"You okay Juliet? you look sad." Sarah commented

"Yeah, I'm fine."

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