Chapter 18

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The stairs seemed to go on forever, and maybe half way up I sarcastically made an observation.

"Found the twists."

"Really Juliet? I couldn't tell." He snapped back.

I sighed and almost jumped for joy when we got to the top, and found a door.

I turned the flashlights off and put them back in my bag, pulling my silver dagger out and handing Max its twin.

"We don't know what's beyond this. Better to be prepared." I said when he looked at me alarmed, but then took it.

I slowly grabbed the handle and turned it, shoving it open only to be slapped harshly at the smell.

I heard Max choking and I grabbed a scarf, putting it over my mouth and nose, same with Max.

I started walking in and was shocked at the sight.

Dead bodies.  Everywhere I looked there was a body.

I walked into the huge ballroom, seeing burns on the walls and what I could only assume to be blood spatters.  It looked like a huge massacre happened.  As I ventured further in I lowered my knife as I looked around in horror.

I bent down a little to look at what I assumed was a mother and child's skeleton with tattered and ripped clothes. I screamed in alarm when a rat ran out from the eye socket in the skull and across the floor to who knows where.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I commented, rushing over to a window where all the contents of my stomach made a reappearance.

I had moved the scarf out of the way and I ripped a part of my plain grey T-shirt off and wiped my mouth, using my water to rinse out my mouth.  I didn't need the aftertaste of vomit along with this horror.

I slowly pulled my head from the window and looked at Max as he was looking at the people.

His eyes then met mine.

'Back to where men died' I thought to myself.

"Let's keep going."

"Yeah." Max agreed and we met in the middle of the room and stepped through the doors at the other end.

When  the doors closed I released a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

"I don't- just-how?" Max asked, looking at me as we wondered down the hall.

"Dad was different before Mom.. I knew that but what I just saw... I don't know what to say.  So I won't say anything." I said simply, moving the scarf off my face and pull the riddles out.

"Where mother came, and where it all begun." I said putting them back and sighing as I look around.

"Where mother came? What's that supposed to mean?" Max said a little flustered.

"Maybe her room? The letter sort of said she came into whatever room they were in and then he 'stole' her away.  So its in her childhood room." I thought aloud, finding the stairs and walking upstairs.

In any other circumstance i'd probably find the beauty in the house itself, but right now my stomach was uneasy and I was finding it hard to not focus on the fear of what I'll run into.

I made it to the top stair and I looked around.  From what I could tell there were about 3 or 4 rooms here.

I walked down the corridor and slowly peeked in the first door where I found an empty guest bedroom, at least I assumed so.

I continued making my way down the hall, finding a bathroom and closet.

There was one more door, and I took a breath before stepping inside, and looking around.

The lighting that came from the windows showed a queen sized, unmade bed with black covers and white sheets.  Across the room was a dresser and closet, with clothes carelessly thrown to the ground, dust covering everything.

I stepped inside and as I was looking at the paintings on the ground I heard a crack under my foot, and I looked down, carefully picking the photo up and blowing the dust off.

There was a happy looking couple, with what looked like a 10 year old grinning at her parents with a look of admiration on her face, which was returned by them.

I knew the girl was my mom, who else could it be? 

What I focused on was the look the father had.  He looked like he was in pure bliss, that he was the happiest he'd ever been. 

I placed it back on the nightstand, taking a careful breath before I found Max looking through what looked like an album.

"We should bring this back for mom, she might appreciate it." He said with no emotion in his voice as he put the album in his bag and took another glance around the room.

"Yeah, let's go to the master bedroom." I said making my way out of the room, shutting the door behind me and sighing before walking down to the other side of the hall, gripping the knife in my hand tighter before I shoved the door open, walking in and looking around.

It had a huge bed and mattress in the center, the ivory cover stained a dark crimson red, blackened with time.

There was a nightstand on either side and a double door closet door, and a bathroom in the corner.

"Where the hell is he?" Max asked no one in particular.

"Looking for me?" A deep voice sounded from somewhere, before the owner came out of the bathroom and leaned on the doorframe.


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