Chapter 5

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I woke up to an empty bed the next morning. I sighed and sat up, stretching my muscles out and getting out of the bed.

I also didn't wake up dreading the day like I usually did. I then walked out of the room but when I made it to the stairs, a very familiar scent hit my nose. I knew that smell but I just can't place it.

I went down the stairs, or started to when I bumped into a wall of muscle.

"Oh, sorry Luna. I didn't hear you." It said moving out of the way, and I looked up to see a tall man, maybe 6'5? With puppy dog brown eyes and shaggy light brown hair. Figure wise he wasn't lacking, but he was a little more lean.

"Its fine, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said with a little smile before continuing to the kitchen, being met with a few woman and an older lady doing dishes.

"Morning Luna, sleep well?" The older lady at the sink asked.

"Uh yeah, I did." I said making my way to the fridge.

"You already have a plate." She said then pulling out a plate and putting it at the island. I smiled and thanked her before sitting.

I looked at the plate, seeing it had Eggs and toast on it.

I started eating, and managed not to Wolfe it down like I usually did with food.

"I don't think I caught your name?" I asked her as she gave me a glass of water.

"My names Cynthia, and the ladies at the table are Amanda and Kali." She said pointing to them behind her. I smiled and gave a little wave at them.

Kali had blonde hair, blue eyes and an average figure. Amanda had black hair and green eyes. She was on the taller side and was curvy.

"I'm Juliet. It's nice to meet you all." I said like the awkward individual I was.

"Nice to meet you too Luna.. Alpha Stefan told us you didn't have much and we're going into town if you want to come." Kali offered looking at me.

"I, uh yeah I guess? I don't know. What would I even get, and how would I pay? I don't have much money."

"Stefan gave us a prepaid card for if you went." Amanda offered, showing the said card.

"You'd get clothes, shampoo, conditioner and body wash and things like that." Kali said.

"I don't see the harm in going.." I said getting off the stool and going to grab my empty plate only to see Cynthia got to it first.

"Go, have fun. I got this." She said waving her hand.

I nodded and followed the other girls out, looking over to see someone I thought I wouldn't see ever again.

"Sarah?" I asked, sort of freezing in place.

"Juliet? What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, I just-"

"She's Stefan's mate." Kali finished glancing at me.

I just nodded as my heart beat picked up. This was the most social interaction I've had in a long time. Usually I kept everything minimal, even with sarah I kept it short.

"I see. Where are you guys going?" She asked. I just noticed that her tanned hand was holding the guy I bumped into earliers hand.

"We're getting Juliet new stuff in town, Alpha asked us to bring her if she wanted.

"Really? Mind if I tag along?"

At this point it was getting hrd for me to focus. I was trying to keep my breathing even and I felt lightheaded. What was happening? I didn't know, it came from no where.

"Luna, are you alright?" I heard the guy ask. My mouth felt dry and I found it hard to answer.

"I just have to sit for a moment" I said quietly, going to the couch and sitting down, putting my head in my hands.

"I think she's having a panic attack." Amanda said suddenly.

"Do we get the pack doctor?" Kali asked.

"Let's get Stefan first." He said. Not to much later I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into a warm comfortable embrace.

My breathing then started to calm down, as well as my heartbeat.

I finally looked up and saw Stefan, looking at me.

"Are you OK?" He asked moving hair out of my face.

"I think." I answered. He handed me a glass of water and I took a sip, sitting up a little more.

"What happened?" He asked, his arm still around me.

"I don't know.. I think I just got overwhelmed. I'm not used to being around so many people." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry about that. Kali, Amanda, Sarah and John are worried about you."

"John?" I asked looking at stefan.

"My beta, he's Sarah's mate." He answered and I nodded, starting to get up so my thighs were across over his.

"Are they still going into town?" I asked and he shook his head.

"They didn't think they should've after that happened. You know you don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I want to. If I'm going to be the luna of a big pack I should get used to being near and interacting with people." I said, standing up and looking back at him.

"Do you want me to come? In case you panic again?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Its alright, you have to work. Thank you, though." I answered leaning down and kissing his cheek before putting my shoes on and walking outside.

"Luna, are you alright?" Kali asked first.

"I'm fine.. I've just been secluded for so long that I'm not used to bring near them and interacting with more than one." I said pulling the sleeve of my ripped up hoodie down.

"Do you guys still want to go?" I asked after a moment.

"Are you up for it?" Sarah asked, from Johns lap, I think that's his name.

"Yeah. I want to go." I said looking over at Kali and Amanda.

"Alright, John are you coming to?" Amanda asked looking over at him.

"I don't have anything to do here so I don't see why not." He said, standing up after sarah.

We migrated to a van, I think, and kali gave me the prepaid card from Stefan.

John unlocked the car and pulled the handle, and I did the same, trying not to make a fool of myself since I was confused by a car. I got in and shut the door.

We then started the drive and then Amanda broke the silence.

"So, Luna-"

"Call me Juliet please."

"Juliet.. What pack are you from?"

"I, uh, I was actually a rouge."

"I'm sorry to hear that.." She said, not expecting that answer.

"Have you heard of the Runner?" I asked, looking over at them.

"Yeah, I think she's a badass. I mean, she managed to survive on her own for years and she slipped past a ton of Alphas. Some of them getting beat up. I know she's wanted but I would love to be able to be strong and independent like her." Kali said looking at me. "Why do you ask?"

I debated it for a moment and just shrugged. "Just wondering."

"Have you ever met her?" Amanda then asked, looking at me super excited.

"No, I haven't" It felt weird to lie about it but I guess no one really connected the dots and realized I was her. Not even Stefan. I was also curious about what people thought of the legend that is the Runner.

"We're here ladies." John said pulling up to a mall? I think that's what its called.

We all got out and when I did I froze. There was a scent in there that I'd know from anywhere.

"Shit, they're here."

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