Chapter 7

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I've been here for about a week, and I was fitting in well, I was also better with being around people.

Today, I wanted to go to the gym so I dressed in my yoga pants, sportsbra and tank top before going downstairs, making my way to the pack house gym that Stefan showed me earlier.

I walked in and shut the door, looking around to see some punching bags and exercise machines, as well as a wall length mirror.

I quickly stretched and warmed up a little before approaching a punching bag.

I started punching it and ended up thinking about my dad, Max, everything to do with the past 4 years. It was hard, being alone for all that time. The person who murdered my father did this to me. He got me kicked out of my home. He killed my dad. He ruined my family. He ruined me.

I thought I didn't have a chance to find a place I'd be able to call home.  I thought I'd live my life alone and being hunted until someone caught me and killed me.  Or die of a disease, something like that.  I didn't believe I had a future worth living for.

I went through so much, I suffered so much because of something I never even did. I fell to my knees, the weight of everything crashing down on me.

All I've wanted for the longest time is to be home, with my mom, dad and brother.  I wanted something worth living for, and I found it, here with these people, this pack.

I looked over at my bag and got up to go over to it. I opened the secret pocket and took out the envolope my dad gave me the night of his death. It had dried blood on it still, and I just kind of ran my hands over it as I sat against the wall opposite the mirror.

Before I was to preoccupied or scared to read it. I didn't want to admit my dad was gone.  But if I wanted to move on and be able to start a life with Stefan I have to read it.  I need to let go of my past.

I carefully opened up the envelope and shakily took out the letter,

Dear Juliet,

If you're reading this it means I'm gone. But I want you to know I love you, and I know you can be strong and get through whatever lies ahead, I believe in you.

I want you to know, none of this is your fault. You aren't to blame for my death or whatever happens after it. There's been something I kept from you and Max, I did it to keep you safe but I can't keep it from you any longer, you deserve to know. I tried to run from the mistakes of my past, but they always catch up to you.

Before I met your mother, I was cold hearted and ruthless, I acted on impulse and never thought things over after your grandfather died. I started a war with a now extinct pack, the Vengeful Moon pack. Their alpha was a good and powerful alpha named Xaiver. His pack had the title of being the most powerful and the biggest pack. Mine came second, and at that time that wasn't good enough for me.

I seeked and got an alliance with a pack that hated them to boost my numbers, and I took them by surprise, wiping them out and scrambling the survivors. I also killed Xaivers mate in cold blood. Like I said, I was young and stupid and I regret it with every fiber of my being.

Your mother was his daughter, and in the end she went with me. She helped shape me into who I am today. But I took everything from Xaiver, and he was out for blood.

He went off the radar for a decade but he's back and more bloodthirsty than before, not that I blame him. I don't know if he's going to go after you or your brother, but I know he's going to try to take everything I built and destroy it. Nothing is exempt from his thirst for blood.

This is a lot to take in but you have to fix the mess I made, please. I'm trusting you to do this, Juliet. I love you and Max so much. Remember to stay strong.
Your father.

I looked at the letter, trying to take it in, I didn't know what to think. After a few minutes I carefully put the letter back in the envelope and into the backpack.

I didn't know what to do, my brother would never listen to me.  Hell I still had a price on my head.

I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest, going to hide my face when I saw my reflection. 2 weeks ago I wouldn't have believed that I could be who I was now. My hair unknotted and clean with no leaves in it, decent clothes that fit me better than any other clothes I had.

But my face is what I looked at. There were no longer dark circles under my eyes, my cheeks weren't sunken and sad. My skin taking on a darker shade other then pale.

So much has changed in such a little amount of time it was hard to keep up.

I slowly stood, grabbing my bag and walking out of the room to put my bag back in the closet.

I didn't know what to do about the letter, but I'd have to figure that out later.

I showered and changed into sweats and a cami with a red and black flannel over it. I then made my way downstairs.

I was halfway down the stairs when a searing burn ran through my side.

I stopped and gasped, grabbing my side when I felt faint. I had to get help.

My throat felt dry and it was almost impossible to get a word out.

I forced my mouth to move and a single word came out before I fell and everything went black.



A/N:  to those who read past this point before, I'm making changes because I wasn't happy with how things were before.  I'm sorry if I confused anyone but I'm hoping I'll be happier with things like this

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