Thirty Nine || Bouquet of Lillies

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"Babe, did you take my laptop?" James yells from his room.

I roll my eyes at his silly words. I have my own. Why would I take his?

I hear him come out of his room.

"Now tell me. Why on earth would I take your laptop when I have my own?" I ask him without looking away from the TV.

"I don't know, Vena. You tell me" he snaps back.

"Don't give me that tone. I will call your mother" I threaten.

He glares at me. "Can you at least help me find it?".

I chuckle at him with absolutely full sarcasm and no humor.

"Do you really expect me to help you find it after the way you just spoke to me?" I ask.

H groans and walks away from the conversation. It was clear that he wasn't going to win that one.

Fifteen minutes later he came groaning into the living room and slopping down on the couch beside me.

Way to ruin my Netflix time, Mr. Grumpy Pants.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I snap at him, pausing my show.

He shrugs, " I have this paper due this week and I need my computer to type it up, except I'm starting to think that I might have left it at Grant's cabin" he rubs the back of his neck casually.

I sigh and get up and grab my computer off my bed and bring it back into the living room.

"You can use mine if you need to" I set it down on the coffee table.

As soon as I sat back down James had smothered me in kisses.

"Thank you! Thank you!" he says in between kisses.

"Stop!" I yelp playfully.

He smiles and gives my cheek one more peck.

"Just get started on your work" I tell him and I press play on my show.


It had been a few hours and of course I was spending my Monday evening being lazy. Nothing really out of the usual.

James was still planted on the other side of the couch with his legs laying long towards me.

It made me nervous because he just sitting there, his eyes scanning the screen, his arms just crossed on his chest.

He looks up and catches me staring. He gives me a wide smile, but I return it with a tight one.

"Y'know, this is actually really good" he smiles.

My eyes widen as soon as the words leave his mouth.

It's my writing.

Shit. That's what he's been reading this entire time.

I leap out of my comfy spot and over to him, shutting the lid and taking it from him.

I set it on the coffee table and when he goes to grab it, I simply jump on him.

He groans and grabs my hips and sets me on top of him.

"Just what do you think you are doing?!" I snap at him, "That is my personal work that nobody else was supposed to see and then you just go ahead and go break my trust--".

He suddenly cut me off by pulling my lips to his. Why does he think that just if he kisses me, I won't be mad after? Because as of right now, I am beyond pissed.

He slips his tougue into my mouth and entangles his with mine.

I pull away before he went any further.

I glare at him and grab my laptop off the table and went and hid it in my room.

I shut my door behind me and went back into the living room to give James the silent treatment. Oh, how fun that is.

"I'm sorry. I just say it and it looked good so I started reading and it is really good. Like you could really get it published, Ven" he tries to talk to me.

"Please don't ignore me" he pleads.

Awe. He's begging, how cute.

Then he did something, so completely and utterly stupid. He decided that trying to make out with me would be his best option.

He is so wrong.

He moves him lips across the sensitive skin on my neck, all the way up to my jaw, but I just ignored him.

And let me tell you something. He looked so completely irritated.

He sighs and places his forehead on my shoulder. "What do you want from me. There is nothing else I can say, Vena. I apologized, what more do you want from me?" he asks in a hushed tone.

"How about explanation?".

Well that was some short silent treatment.

He looks up at me, "What?".

"An explanation, James. Do I need to spell it out for you?" I snap at him.

Even though I was angry he didn't move one inch away from me.

"I don't know why I did it. If that's what you're asking. I guess I did it because it looked interesting and I was curious" he confesses.

"Well that doesn't give you any right to go through my stuff" I tell him.

He sighs and kisses my shoulder, "I'm sorry" he tells me once again.

I shrug and just continue watching my show, as if James just wasn't sitting there.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest, not saying a word.


I jolt awake to the sound of someone knocking on the door.

I glance back at James's face and he was sleeping.

I groan and open the door, rubbing my eyes.

There standing there was the guy from the flower store down the block.

"For Vena Anderson" he passes me a piece of paper to sign.

I give him a questioning look. Who on earth would send flowers. I quickly sign it and take the bouquet of lilies from him. "Thank you" I tell him and shut the door.

I turn around and see James just waking up now, "What is it, Darling?" He groans.

"Flowers" I tell him.

I look at the note inside and now I get why I got flowers. Zeke Camber.

James is not going to be happy about this.

Hey guys I know this was short but I'm going to be gone for a week to go to summer camp.

I got this message on my board saying that my book needs to be deleted for copyright of The Teddy Bear Agreement, if you guys could take a look at it and tell me your thoughts on it, that would be great.



I Am Living With an IdiotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ