Hello from the other side

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Hi, yeah, so I am very sorry for not updating this last week, but I have been quite busy lately. I had to write another story for school, so yayish. I know I'm not so good at this schedule thing, but I will try to update soon. 

Yesterday was my birthday and funny enough, my cat had her kittens yesterday as well, so now I share my birthday with two little kittens. 

Anyways, what I really wanted to say is that I am coming up with a playlist for the end of the book for when I finish and I need some help finding some songs. So if you have any songs that you think would be a great representation of this book just comment it and if I haven't listened to it then I will. My brain is just a little blank at the moment. 

So if you have anything at all, please comment it. Also, please do not message me the names of the songs because chances are that I will forget about the message and I will never have the chance to put it on the playlist, so just put it in the comments, okay? Okay. 

Alright, time for part two of this Author Note. 

Okay, so I have been reading my story from the very beginning and my god is it terrible, like I may of cried a little. Lol. Anyways, if you're reading this right now then I love you, like I am so thankful that you guys have stuck it through for me and this book. I just can't believe that I am getting these high rankings and rising amount of reading even though this book if so terrible right now, I will fix it, don't worry. Everytime I hit another million, it gives me goosebumps, it really does because this is so crazy that it can't be true. 

I am so glad that you guys didn't give up on me because I know that a lot have and I am just so crazy grateful for it. I don't say this enough, I know, hardly ever for that matter, so that's why I think that it is about time that I did. 

Never in my life did I ever think that I would have a any 'fans', like I thought that those were only for famous people  and although I wish I was, I'm not. So thank you for making me feel famous privately. 

One day, I'm going to meet you all, ever single one of you, and for that is my dream. I know I'll make it one day, I just know it and I want you to be there to see it. 

Thank you, 

BWS ❄️ (Hailey)

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