Sixty Two || Family Dinner

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How could he just disappear without telling me? You would think that he would have the decency to at least let me know where he was going or that he was actually leaving. For God's sake.

When I open this door, I know I am going to be faced with a thousand questions from the curious people in the living room.

I sigh and open the front door open. I may as well just do this now; I mean I can't disappear like James did.

I step inside and shut the front door behind me.

"Where is that hooligan?" my grandfather asks.

I chuckle to myself, "He just had to go get something," I lie. I can't tell them the truth. At this point, it'll only make them hate him when they are already so uneasy towards him.

I don't know whether or not if I should angry. I feel the shock that he would actually do this to me hit me. I want to hope that all he did was go to the store or something, but I have this gut feeling that it is something much more than that.

I look at my brother and give him a tight smile, assuring him that everything is fine even though it's not. I mean, my boyfriend is M.I.A.

I walk into the kitchen and my mom is still in there making dinner. I want to tell her, but she tells my dad everything, which is definitely something I don't need right now.

I sit down on the chair and she glanced over her shoulder to most likely see who is in the room.

"Sweetheart, could you help me with the turkey?" she asks, unwrapping the bird.

I nod and stand up. Maybe stuffing this bird's ass with bread will take my mind off of this whole situation.



As I set the table with every everything my mom made, I continue to wonder where James is. It's been over four hours and there is still no sign of him. I called him within those hours and both times it went to voicemail.

I am honestly starting to get a little bit worried. James left randomly and then he doesn't respond to my phone calls. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I feel.

Just as I put the last bowl on the table I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Charley. "Come on, I need to talk to you," he says.

I nod and follow him into the back room where my mom keeps all the food.

Charley crosses his arms over his chest, "Where did he go?" he asked. He has this slight irritating tone in his voice.

I guess that he noticed. It didn't seem like the rest of the others in the living room noticed.

I start mumbling for some weird reason.

"What is going on Vena?" he asks, keeping his voice low.

"I don't know where he went. He was there and then he wasn't and I haven't heard from him since," admit.

His eyebrows furrow together, "Are you being serious?" he asks, making sure no one can hear us.

I nod, "Of course I am being serious, Charley," I cross my arms over my chest.

I am glad that it is Charley, who asked and not one of my other siblings. Charley won't throw his fists around as soon as James does something mean or terrible.

He runs his hand through his hair, "Are you kidding me? Does he know that he is just digging himself a bigger grave?" he asks.

My brother making me even more frustrated, I cross my arms. "I would ask, but Y'know."

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