Seventy Three || Forgive Him

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I haven't had that big, gross, disgusting cry yet and I am just waiting for it to sneak up on me, without even seeing it coming.

Grayson and Leah went to the store to get more food; you know how that goes. They are going to buy the entire store. I'm pretty sure that they are buying junk food for dinner.

I am so glad that Grayson and Leah understand what it's like for this to happen. There are people out there who would call me a cry baby just because my boyfriend said some hurtful things to me, but I don't think what those people understand what it's like for you to feel like the person you love hates you.

I need to know what is going on with him. He has never freaked out at me like that before and now all I can think about is what his sister was talking about. He tried his damndest to make sure that I don't know whatever is going on.

Every time I start to think about him, my head hurts. We need to talk. I will stay at Grayson's house tonight and I'll go home in the morning because I need to figure this out. It is driving me crazy and I need the truth from him.

I've always liked Grayson's apartment just because of the fact that it is so much like home. Even though this isn't my home, it really does feel like it. His place is in the building where there is only one window, so it is usually pretty dark in here. Every single time that I was over here since he moved in, he has had the fireplace going and I think that it makes this place so cozy. I smile to myself and pull the blanket closer to my body.

Grayson pushes through the front door with arms full of bags. I am so glad I didn't go out today. It's the twenty seventh and the sales from Christmas are still crazy, especially in New York City.

"Vena, we got so much food. I think we might actually have enough to last at least two days," he laughs. They better be happy that they have such high metabolism or they'd wouldn't be able to get up the stairs.

I stand up and help Leah put the stuff away. Grayson left the room to go do something. I am actually quite curious to what is going on between them ever since what Grayson cheated on her. I know that it isn't any of my business but I'm curious so sue me.

"Hey, how are you two?" I ask her, starting to unbag the groceries.

Leah looks at me and shrugs, "We haven't really talked about it," she then looks away from me.

I turn my head a bit, "Did you just forgive him?"

As she puts the crackers away, I catch a glimpse of her face: red. Oh. My. God.

"You slept with him?!"

She whines, "How did you know?"

"Your face shows it all," I tell her, "Were you drunk or something?"

She shakes her head, "No, I just didn't want to fight anymore and I regret that now because I know that the fight is still coming," she sighs and sits up on the counter. "I am so angry at him, but I'm in love him too, so it makes it even worse."

I lean against the counters. "Are you going to forgive him," I ask, crossing my arms.

"I don't know the whole story, so I don't know. I just wish that we could never move from the place that we are in now. Everything is level and fine and if we fight it could ruin everything we have going," Leah huffs, "I just wish that this never happened."

"You two will be okay. I knew from the moment that you came over to my apartment for the first time, you and Grayson were going to be something incredible and I was right wasn't I? Listen from what I know of,  Grayson has never fallen in love and now you can just see it in his face. Ever since he lost Skyla, he was a sad guy and would hardly leave his apartment, let alone the couch, but then he met you. You helped him get through something that some people never could do. So when you two do fight, remember that he loves you more than anything, more then me and I'm pretty great," I laugh and she laughs with me.

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