Sixty One || Presidential Debate

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Hayden doesn't say anything more to us, he just grabs the hand of the girl who was sitting on my bed and leaves the room, but not without first glaring at James. I really should have known that he would do that.

"Well, he seems nice," James announces sarcastically.

I shrug, I can't agree with him out loud. "Alright, so you can just put the suitcase in the corner and then we'll have to get back downstairs," I tell him.

He groans, "No, I don't want to," he whines.

I sigh and look at him. "James, you know that there isn't much of a choice in the matter, plus you haven't even met my entire family yet," I remind him.

He doesn't say anything because he seems to be much more interested in my childhood bedroom.

"Y'know, this was one of the rooms in your house that I never got to see," he says, referring to how he is friends with some of my siblings.

I nod. Whenever James was over here when we were younger, it must've been when I wasn't here because often I was never home, I would much rather be hanging out with Grayson and his sister back then.

I remember those days; they were so much different then now. High School is much easier than now.

"Come on, we can look at my room later," I tell him and lead him out of the bedroom.



I don't know why James thought this would be so terrible, he seems to be getting along just fine with my family.

At the moment, he seems to be in a presidential debate with my grandfather, good he can't get too far debating with James.

I talked to my mother for a long hour or so as she made dinner and I cut up some vegetables for her.

"I mean, the boy has got an attitude, you can see it in his goddamn eyes," my mom chuckles.

I laugh at her, "Isn't that the truth," I sit down at the kitchen table and turn the table so I am facing her.

"So what did you get him for Christmas?" she asks me, continuing getting dinner ready.

I smile, "A watch," I say quietly, making sure that James is still in conversation and not able to hear me from the kitchen.

She smiles, "Very good first Christmas gift, Vena."

I nod, agreeing as well, "Yeah, it's not as easy as you would think," I sigh. Really, I should have just bought him lingerie.

He nods, "Don't you know it, Sweetheart," she smiles.

I look into the living room and notice James looking down at his phone. He said something to my grandfather and walked out the living room with an oddly serious look on his face. The expression made my mind wander. I am quite to what that is all about. He walked out the front door and shut the door behind him.

"Any drama lately," my mom wonders.

I laugh. Oh yes, Grayson cheated on his girlfriend. Ryder decided to turn his life around. Grant had a secret smart girlfriend. Y'know, the regular. "No, not really. It's pretty boring, actually," I tell her lies. Really, things are so out of the ordinary right now that I can't even start explaining them to my mother.

She nods her head, "Boring."

I nod and glance back into the living room and James still isn't inside, I have got no clue if he just took a phone call outside or if he actually left or something. That thought sure did start to make me feel antsy.

I look at the door. I am not going to go out there. I am not going to go out there. I am not going to go out there.

I am not going out there. I am not going to be that crazy girlfriend that keeps tabs on her boyfriend. I will wait another twenty minutes and if he's still out there, I will see if he is actually still there.

I look away from the door and back at my mother. "Do you remember this day a year ago?" I ask her.

I remember it so well. Last year, my family came down on Christmas day, so Christmas eve was pretty quiet. That was back when I was dating Zeke, when I actually thought that he cared about me and he sure as hell acted like he did.

I guess that some things change. Now I am here with James and it feels like my whole life has changed for better.

I smile to myself.

I hear my mom chuckles, making me return my attention to her, "Does my Vena like a boy?" she teases me even though she knows that it sure is more than just 'liking' a boy. James has me going crazy half the time and I am sure that he feels the same way about me. Since the first day James moved in, I had this feeling in the pit in my stomach that this whole roommate thing may be something different then what I was expecting. I decided to ignore it.

It's been well over twenty minutes. I stand up and tell my mom that I will be right back.

As I walk through the living room, the sound of my brother's voice stops me. "Yes?" I ask. I was kind of in the middle of something.

"Tell Grandpa James's last name because I cannot remember it," Charley tell me.

I turn and smile at them, "Henderson," I tell them.

He nods and my grandfather looked pretty angry. "What's wrong, Grandpa?" I ask.

He slumps into the couch. "Those damn Hendersons and their strong opinions," he growls out.

I laugh. Little did he know that James is not actually blood related to his parents.

"Do you guys know where James went?" I ask.

"He said he had to take a phone call and went outside to take it," my grandmother answers before anyone else.

I nod and walk through the rest of the living room into the front entrance. I open the front door.

I am greeted with the oblivious air. Nothing but the cold winter wind hit my face. When I look out to the street, James's black car is gone, not even leaving any marks on the street for me to remember it's once existence here.

I stepped outside and shut the front door behind me and slump against it, my head hitting the solid door. Just like that, he disappeared.

I should have gone after him when I saw that expression on his face in the living room.



Anyways, I felt very bad for posting a chapter and then unpublishing it because I wasn't done. So I am most likely going to be super busy this weekend, so I thought that I better get something to you guys. This is only a thousand words, but it is starting to get late, yeah. If I get the chance I will try and update another thousand words. 

Again, I have Snapchat, it's the same as my username on here.

 I am going to try and regulate updates, but it is hard. 

So this book is going to be coming to an end very soon, I feel. Just a head's up. 

Thank you,


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