Teacher Conferences..friendship...Mountain Lion?(Chapter Six)

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---//PAIGE'S POV//---

After the whole blue bullet fiasco with Derek, things had started to get normal again. Stiles and I were eating burgers with dad in his police car. 

"Did they forget my curly fries?" I looked over at my dad. "Dad, you know your not suppose to have fries especially the Curley ones." Stiles nods in agreement and eats his food. "Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon, if I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries." My brother looks over at our dad and says. "If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument anymore legitimate you are wrong." I smirk at my brother as dad just shakes his head and takes another bite of his burger.  

Just then a call comes on dads radio. Stiles goes to touch it but dad slaps his hand away. "Sorry." My brother mutters to dad. Dad goes and answers the call. When we hear the code we both look at dad. "A murder?" My twin and I say in unison. 

Dad drives over to the movie rental place and we see Lydia and Jackson by the ambulance. "Stay here." Dad says sternly as he gets out of the car. I look over at Stiles.

"Are we seriously not getting going to see what's going on?" We both shake our heads and we jump out the car. We get out and get closer to dad, while he's talking to a pissed off Jackson. I admit I didn't like for Jackson to be yelling at dad.

"Oh, whoa is that a dead body?" Stiles yelled while pointing. Everyone looked in the direction that the ambulance people were bringing the body to the back of the van. Then a hand fell from it. Dad gave Stiles a stern look then sighed. "Ok everybody back up. Nothing to see here." Stiles and I got back into the car until the chaos had died down.


"Do you think dads gonna tell us what happened last night?" I ask while me and Stiles walk into school. "I doubt it. But I'm sure we can figure it out." I see Phoebe and walk over to her. "Hey Phebs." She only glances at me. "Hey." I stand in front of her and give her a whats wrong stare. She lets air out of her cheeks and sighs. "It's parent/teacher conferences tonight." I shrug. "And?" "And...it says that students below a "C" average are required to attend." She gets a worries look on her face and groans. "Oh, so your parents are both coming...and you have to be with them?" She nods and starts walking to class. "See ya Paige." My heart goes out to her. Since Mr. & Mrs. Storm are both doctors they expect Phoebe to follow in their footsteps. Meaning they expect her to have all straight A's. If only they knew that she wanted to be a painter instead...

Two periods later I'm sitting in class while Stiles is "coloring" with a highlighter. I know enough that he doesn't need to take that many notes. 

Jackson then comes looking feverish. I guess last night really shook him up. After the teacher talks to Jackson silently, he then tells the class to read chapter nine. I look around and see Phoebe concentrating hard in her book. I look near Stiles and notice Scott isn't sitting next to him. I wonder where he is? Before I take out my phone I make sure the teacher isn't anywhere in sight. That's when I text Jackson.

*Hey, you ok?*

He looks around and sees me. Then he texts back.

*Yeah I'm fine just a little freaked out.*

I frown at the message and reply back.

*What happened?*

He seems to sit there and think before replying back.

*I don't really know how to explain it but something else was in that store and it killed that guy and it almost got me too.*

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