Scott's Alive...Party Over Here!!!...Peter's Back...(Chapter Twenty)

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--/ /PAIGE'S POV/ /--


After learning that Scott wasn't dead. I basically threatened his life when I saw him though. "McCall pull a stunt like that again an so help me I will declaw and strangle you!" He chuckles. "Glad to see you care Paige." He pulls me into a hug and my arms wrap around him. We step apart and Scott looks at Phoebe, Stiles & me.

"So we're still going to Lydia's party right?" Scott asks. I see phoebe shiver. "Do we really need to go? I mean after seeing Jackson turn in that lizard thing, I don't think I want to be seen at a party...or anywhere Jackson can you know kill us." I had to agree with her on this. "That's ditto for me to." 

As we walk to class Stiles pulls me to the side and told me about what him and dad had discovered. The swim team, every person who was murdered was on the swim team including Mr. Lahey. "So you're saying that Lahey was the coach of the swim team?"

I ask as we walk down the hall. Stiles nods. I feel my phone buzz. I look down and read a from Phoebe telling me to bring my English book. "Crap, Stiles I have to run, but we'll talk about this later okay?" "At the party!" My brother calls off after me. I groan, he knows I don't want to go. I walk down the hall and see Lydia talking to Jackson. 

I feel mixed emotions, fear, because he could hurt her. Sadness, because I want to help him. Lydia touches Jackson on the arm seductively and I glare. Yup anger, because I want to slap Lydia for touching him like that. " don't want me there. Trust me."

Jackson says as he steps away from her. "Don't worry about it. I'm over it. Look, of course I want you-" Jackson grabs Lydia's arm and looks at her with an emotionless stare. "I said, you do not want me there." Lydia snatches her hand away and backs away slowly from Jackson with fear in her eyes. "I'll see you there." She says as she walks away. I bump into a trashcan and curse under my breath. I tried to back away but freeze when I hear Jackson's voice. "Paige?" Oh crap! I don't even turn around I run my butt class... 


Styles and I were at Lydia's front door and all I could do was shake my head at my twin brother. He just had to buy Lydia a present. But why in the world was the box so damn huge?! Lydia had opened the door and we both told her happy birthday. She smiled at me and gave a wide I look to Stiles. " Paige, help me bring this in." I hear Stiles whisper. "You're on your own kid." I say with a wide smile. I walk in and look for Scott. 

I hear my brother struggling with the huge box. I laugh when I see him trying to get it through the door. 

Stiles and I finally meet up with Scott. "Have you seen Jackson anywhere?" Stiles asks. "No, have you seen Allison?" Scott asks as we keep walking towards the back. "No, but we should probably tell her what we found." Scott pauses form a moment. "I'm still kind if not sure what we found."  

"I figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were in the swim team, the way the Kanima reacted around the pool."

We make it to the back of the house. "So whoever's controlling the Kanima really hates the swim team." I interject. "Hated the swim team, specially, the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean, who are we missing? What haven't we thought of?" Allison & Phoebe both meet up with us. "Uh Jackson's not here."

Allison says as she looks at Scott. I hear Phebs scoff behind her. "Yeah, no one's here."  

"Maybe it's just early." Scott comments. I give him a yeah right look. "Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the towns wack job." Phoebe giggles while Allison and Stiles glares at me for making that remark. "What? It's true..."

Allison sighs and looks over at Lydia looking at her phone. "We'll we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks." I perk up. "If it helps she's completely ignored Stiles for the past ten years."

My brother looks at me. "Hey I prefer to think of it as me not having been her radar yet." I scoff and was about to retort but Scott interrupted us. "We don't owe her a party." "What about a chance to get back to being normal?" Allison suggested. "Normal?" She nods. "She wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us." We all remain silent. I hate to admit it but Allison had a point. 

Scott sighs. "I guess I Could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here." Stiles jumps in. "Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. I mean really going." I raised a brow at him. "You know people?" I ask. He smirks. "Why yes I do Paige."  

"Please don't tell me it's your imaginary friend Todd?" He glares at me. "No,and besides his name was Tim." I laugh at him and link arms with Phoebe & Allison. "We will go an entertain the birthday girl then..."

20 minutes later the party was becoming a blast. And by Stiles, he was talking about the drag queens from the gay club. Phoebe and I danced like idiots and drank the punch. Hmmm it taste...flowery. I shrug and gulp some more down. I felt a tap on my shoulder and see Phebs eye go wide. "May have this dance?" I knew that voice anywhere.

I cross my arms and look him up and down. "No you may not." I go to drink but he takes my cup and drinks it. I glare at him and take Phoebe's hand. "Lets go Phebs." Jackson grabs my other hand and pulls me to his chest. Causing me to let go of Phoebe.

"Where do you think you're going?" I see his eyes shift to the Lizard eyes and then back. I gulp and hope he doesn't decide he wants to kill me. "I-I was just going to the bathroom.." Jackson lets me go. "Hurry back Paige." Phebs & I run towards the house.  

I felt a little dizzy a little while after. "Hey Paige you okay? You don't look so good." Why does she sound funny? "I just need some air." I walk out of the house and stand on the side. The world begins to spin. "Hello Paige..." I turn around and see Lydia smiling at me.

I hold on to the building to keep from falling. "Lydia...what was in that punch?" She leans over an her smile looks scary. "I know you and your little side kick call me Loca Lydia behind my back." Ugh I can't keep my eyes open. I stumble and Lydia catches me. "Time to go see Derek."  

"Why....?" I breath out. "Oh you'll see, but just to ease your mind, your the twin Peter needs." Peter who? The last thing I see is the full moon. Why does it look so bright? 


I wake up seeing Derek Lying on the floor next to me. I sit up and look around. We're in a creepy looking house. "Derek wake up." I whisper. All I get out of him was a groan. Lydia comes by and drags Derek over to a hole in the floor. "Lydia, what are you doing?"

I say out loud. She only turns to me and smiles. The next thing I know Derek screams. I cover my ears and jump when I see a naked man burst from the floor boards. Lydia falls back on her ass with the look of fear on her face. I gasp when I see its...Peter Hale...


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