Capture...Lock down...lawyers? (Chapter Seventeen)

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----//PAIGE'S POV//----

Stiles, Scott & I take the jeep in a chase to get to Jackson before Derek does. Stiles stops when he sees the tire strip on the ground. 

"What do we do now?" He asks while looking over at Scott. But Scott is already gone, we see him hop the fence and keep running. "Come on Stiles we have to find another way around." He puts the jeep in reverse and we drive around until we see a near by club. I jump out of the jeep and run looking for Scott. I see him on the side of the club. I feel Stiles behind me as we walk up behind him. Stiles taps him on the shoulder making him jump. 

"Sorry, I'm sorry. Did you see where he went?" My brother asks as we all look around the corner of the club. "I lost him." Scott admits. "What? You couldn't catch his scent?" I say while I give him a wide eye look. "I don't think He has one." 

"All right, any clue where he's going?" Stiles asks as he looks at Scott. "To kill someone." Scott says plainly. I wince hearing that. "Ah, that explains the claws, & fangs, & all that. Makes perfect sense now." We both give him a that's not funny look. "What? Come on, I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense." Scott sighs and turns around. "Just help me find it." "No "It" Jackson." I point out. "Yeah, I know. I-I know."  

"All right, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?" Stiles asks Scott. "I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott comments as he leans on the wall thinking. "Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?"

I think for a second while they talk, then it hits me. "You guys, maybe it's like an either-or thing. I mean, Derek said that a snake can't get poisoned by its own venom right? When's the Kanima not the Kanima?" They realize what I'm saying and look at me.

"When it's Jackson." They say in a whisper.

Scott & I look back at the entrance, when I feel Stiles pulling on my shirt. "Stiles quit it." I shoo him away. "Um, guys you might wanna look at this." We look at him then back up as see the Kanima's tail slithering in the clubs window. "What's he gonna do in there?" Scott gives us a scared look. "I know who he's after."  

"What, how?" "Did you smell something?" I ask in a panic. He nods. "Armani."


We look around and see a door on the side of the building. My brother goes to open it but it's locked. Figures. He then comes up with a plan to have us shimmy up the fire escape and climb through the window. But Scott simply uses his muscles and breaks the lock on the handle. "I loosened that up for you." I roll my eyes and grab him inside behind Scott.

Once inside we hear the music going and see a bunch of...guys dancing. "I think we're in a gay club." Scott says. I look over at my brother and try to hold in my laugh as a group of drag queens surround him. "Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Scott."

Soon after we head over to the bar. "Three beers." My brother says to the bartender. I make a gagging face. "I'll have a virgin piña colada." He nods and asks Stiles & Scott for their I'D's. they show their fake I'D's but the bartender doesn't fall for them and says he'll bring them two cokes. I get my drink and a man comes up to Stiles, telling him his drink is already paid for by some guy sitting across the bar. I nudge my brother. "See bro, you are attractive to gay guys." I giggle and sip my drink. He rolls his eyes at me and looks into the dance floor.

"Hey, I found Danny." Scott & I look up and sure enough Danny was dancing on the dance floor. "I found Jackson." We all look up and see him slithering in the ceiling above a dancing Danny. "Get Danny." "What are you gonna do?" My brother asks. We look down and see Scott's claws. "Works for me." I mutter.  

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