Running...Screaming...Alpha!!!(Chapter Seven)

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After Stiles and I got out revenge on Scott for what happened to our dad since it was his fault, we discovered that Allison was Scott's anchor for keeping him in control when he goes wolf.

---//PAIGE'S POV //---

When I went to the hall to put away my books I saw Allison and Jackson talking. I felt kind of sad so I just walked right by them.  

"Paige, wait up!" I turn around and see Jackson smiling at me. "Hey Jackson..." "Thanks again for the bracelet, it did calm me down a lot." He points to it on his wrist. I smile back at him knowing I have the matching one on my wrist right now. "I'm glad it helped."  We walk down the hall just talking. I know I'm not his girlfriend...yet but this is a good start.

Later after school I meet up with Stiles & Scott. We jump into the jeep and drive Scott over to his job. 

"So Paige are you still mad at me?, cause you know your my friend too and I can't have you mad at me either." I lean over into the seat and flick him in the ear. "Ow!" I then lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"There I forgive you, and if I can see that kitty that you guys picked up a few days ago then I'll really forgive you." He chuckles and nods. Moments later Scott & I walk in to Derek, holding Scott's boss. And from the looks of Dr.Deaton. Derek had beat him good.

"Derek what are you doing?" Scott rushed over. "Scott, get out of here!" Deaton says before getting another fist to his face. I flinch knowing it had to hurt like hell. "Stop! Stop!" Scott yells. "Look when he's conscious, he can keep himself from healing, but unconscious, he can't heal." Derek says as he glares at Scott. "Are you out of your mind? What are you talking about?" "You want to know what the spiral means, Scott? It's our sign for a vendetta, for revenge. It means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied." Scott gives Derek a hard look. "So you think my boss is the alpha?" "We're about to find out." Derek raises his claw and slashes down at Scott's boss.  

But Scott stops him. His eyes are glowing yellow, but I can see he's in control. Scott growls at Derek and he backs away from him. "Hit him again and you'll see me get angry."

Scott was treating his bosses wounds. I on the other hand was keeping a safe distance from Derek as he paced the room. He then stopped and looked at Scott. "Do you have a plan?" Scott thinks for a second. "Just give me an hour." "Then what?" "Meet us at the school. In the parking lot."


Stiles, Scott, & I drive to the school and wait for Derek in the parking lot.

"This is a terrible idea." My brother says with a sigh. "Yeah, I know." "But we're still doing this?" I ask. Scott looks at me. "Can you think of something better?" "Well, personally my brother and I are fans of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away. Right Stiles?" My twin nods and we both look at Scott. Scott looks over at Stiles. "Just make sure we can get inside." Derek's car approaches as my brother brings out the chain cutter. "He's here."

We all walk over to his car. "Where's my boss?" Scott asks angrily to Derek. "He's in the back." We all look in the back and see Scott's boss unconscious and tied/taped up. "Oh, he looks comfortable." My brother says sarcastically to Derek. I roll my eyes and glare at Derek. Scott taps us and we start walking towards the school. Derek calls after us. "Wait. Hey,what are you doing?" Scott turns and looks at him. "You said I was linked with the alpha. I'm gonna see if your right."

When we sneak into the school, I get a chill up my spine. Why does this place just feel haunted at night. We go to the office. "Okay, one question. What are you gonna so if the alpha doesn't show up?" I ask. "Yeah, Scott whats your plan?" "I don't know." We gather around the loud speaker microphone. "And what are you gonna do if he does show up?" "I don't know." I shoot him a look. "Good plan." My brother mutters. "You said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right?" My brother nods. "But if you bring him here, does that mean your part of his pack?" I ask. "I hope not." Scott says nervously. "Yeah me too." I hand Scott the microphone. "Alright all you." Stiles turns up the volume.

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