Later that Night...

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Hey guys!... So, yah exited especially on this chapter?!... Hehe....
Trust me... This chapter is gonnna be intense... Just read on to find out...

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
Ugh.. What to do?... Why does it have to be Randy!?..Of all the people why does it have to be him!?
Why can't it be someone else?!... Like Theresa!... Now that I want to kill her... Uh... Never mind that..
I sighed and thought I need to come clean... I've decided to tell him why I'm here...
It may affect my future but... I can't kill him.. I just can't... And if I told him why I'm here.. There could be a possibility that Randy might hate me and never talk to me again... But its worth it to not see him be killed by my bare hands...
I wanted to punch something... I don't know why but.. I want to... Cause I'm still frustrated... So, I ate my dinner and came down the rooftop quietly and went into the woods...

-Meanwhile at the Mcfist HQ-
"Viceroy!.. Have you finished it already!?" Mcfist said impatiently..
"I have sir but someone managed to damaged one of the metal hands..." Viceroy said while looking at the damage...
"But there's nothing Viceroy couldn't fix!" He said while getting into work...
Just then someone suddenly appeared on a screen.. It was the sorcerer..
"MCFIST!?... Have you destroyed the Ninja yet!?" He said in anger..Mcfist suddenly hid behind Viceroy who was also shaking and said "N-not yet, but we'll destroy someone he does likes..." Mcfist said shaking...
The sorcerer nodded and disappeared leaving Mcfist and Viceroy behind quivering in fear..

---Randy's POV---
I didn't ate much cause I kept on thinking about (Y/n) and also most of the students ate all the food... I think it was because the food here was sooo Bruce.... I was playing around with my leftover food when suddenly...
The floor shook for a bit.. It looked like a tree has fallen down...I stopped and went outside.. Leaving my food untended.. I have a feeling that Howard might be eating it right now though... I dashed down and heard another tree falling... I tried to look where it was but...
I know... In horror films... You should never go where there's a creepy sound but... I'm the Ninja..What could possibly go wrong!?... And a Ninja should always run to the danger...
But it was all dark since it was night time.. I went after the sound and...
I just saw a girl...
Punching a tree... With all her strength...
I didn't want to interfear cause the scene was soooo Bruce!!!.. I really thought she wasn't gonna knocked that big tree down but then suddenly...
she knocked down that big tree... I crept on towards her but when I was a couple of feet from her...
I think she heard me...
And in blink of an eye...
She was gone...
I was suddenly scared..
I didn't want to stick around cause my heartbeat got louder and louder... And my eyes widened...
I suddenly regret about coming here... But when I looked above a shadowy black figure kept chasing me from the trees... I felt goosebumps on my arms and i ran as fast as I can... I looked on forward and saw darkness and some trees and I kept on tripping on some twigs and rocks... My breathe got heavier and heavier...
I finally saw a light from the cafeteria... I've never felt so relived from escaping that... I looked back and saw noting but trees swaying and that girl suddenly appeared again... Nothing strange about that..
A girl appeared!?... I blinked twice but after that she disappeared...
I went back to the cafeteria and saw  (Y/n) sitting down with Heidi.. I felt kinda relieved to see her but then.. I suddenly remembered I was gonna ask her out...
In the woods..
Ugh... Why!?... I catch my breathe and sat down with Howard... I saw my plate empty...
"Howard did you ate all of it!?" I angrily at him..
"Well, yeah.. I figured that you didn't want them cause you suddenly dashed out the cafeteria..."
I suddenly smirked and he saw me... "Uhh, why are ya smirking at me Cunningham!?" He said quite uneasy...
"I'm smirking cause, Some of the foods there fell off the table..."
His eyes suddenly widened and said "WHAT THE JUICE!?"
I laughed and saw him looking at his tongue...
I really am feeling nervous about me asking her out...

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