The Reason Why..

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Hey guys! Sorry for making you wait for a very long time though.. So...uh.. Let's Continue! >.<
What's (Y/c) gonna say to you?.. 
Read on and find out! X3

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
What's he gonna say?!... Is-is it something he should have told me a long time ago..? I think I know what he's gonna say... Am I thinking this through too much!?...
"So... Why did you?" I asked impatiently again.. He was nervous right now..
"I-i..." He said as he tried to look for words. I waited as if I was watching a horror movie and the killer was just outside the door... My grip on the teddy bear got tighter as I still wait his answer..
"I can't tell you here..." He said as he took my hand again dragging me outside the mall and we stopped at a bench a bit far away.. I looked at my watch and It was 5:50 pm, and it was almost time for the battle of the bands to start... But...
Why does he keep on grabbing my hand anyway?!... Oh wait... Could it be that...? 
No.. No... Is it...? I mean, What else would he say if he couldn't say it in public and also so that no one could here it... It would probably mean one thing, It was important..
"This must be something important huh?" I said with a smile.. He sighed and sat down on the bench..
"What the juice..? What's wrong?" I said as I sat down beside him... (Y/c) shook his head and face-palmed himself.. 
"I should have told you earlier when I saw you at that coffee shop though.." (Y/c) said with regret in his voice.. Then again, What the juice?..
"Look, I know you're confused right now, You know.. that I suddenly popped up from no where and tried to find you.. Its just that, I can't go on if I say this to you right here right now..." He said as he looked very serious and awkwardly rubbing his neck... I gulped as my heart shook a bit and it was beating even faster than before...
 I-is this it?... Is he gonna say that he lov-..
"But... 'They' are after you..." 
I froze... 
"I know it sounds crazy but, its true.." He said with those innocent eyes.. So, he's not here to hangout with me but just to warn me.. That's kinda sweet of him but I still feel angry on him for some reason.. I know he's not lying but.. why?..
"W-why are they after me...?!" I said as I was started to freak out and started breathing heavily...
"Its because you haven't killed your target and they must have thinking you need back up or that you've exposed yourself..." He said as he looked really worried.. And I think he's not done yet..
"And worst possible scenario is... Its You or Him..." (Y/c) said as he worried even more, I patted him at the back and said that its alright... Even though I knew deep inside of me.. Its not gonna be alright..
"What are you saying!? Its fine if you get killed!?" He shouted out and threw his arms in the air... I widened my eyes and was a little bit shocked though...
"Well... Lets, Be honest.. I know its not fine but.. I'm an Assassin too! It doesn't mean that I'm defenseless or something weak..." I said chuckling after that.. but still I know I'm gonna be beat. I just want to know that he got nothing to worry about.. That's how friends are.. right?!.. (I just got friendzoned by myself..)...
"No.. I know its not my business but, You've got to kill that Ninja..." (Y/c) said as he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.. I backed away and trust me, I've never seen him this worried and freaked out.. I know 'they' are scary and could kill an entire city in a matter of minutes and leave no one standing...
"Wait... You're saying that I have to kill the Ninja or else They'll kill me?!? No...No...No.." I said in shock but there's a voice inside me that I would never do that.. because... You know it, I still love him... 
"No?.. Are you even hearing yourself (Y/n)!?... I can't loose you again!" He said now bursting to tears and suddenly stopped.. Because it looked he just realized what he just said and after that he went blank. And it was like that for about five awkwardly minutes when he suddenly stopped sobbing and he shot up... I too, did the same and I just don't want to worry about me, even though its a perfectly human nature to worry..
So.. I did the thing that I gotta do... I blushed and my heart beat got faster and faster...
When he was going to leave.. Yes, even though without saying goodbye. I tugged on his shirt and made him turn around... 
I kissed him...
On the cheeks...
After that, I looked at him and he froze while blushing. Like he was still processing what just happened... I laughed a bit while he smiled like a shoob. After he took my number for you know, Uh... for something and said goodbye and hugged him.. And I gotta say, He seriously didn't want to let go of me while we hugged though. I went back to the venue cause still, I want to see Randy play his keytar and also Heidi and Howard. I squeezed inside the crowd cause when I got there it was already starting and good thing it wasn't them playing. I flipped my hood over my head and enjoyed the rest of the night...

-After hours-(Time check 8:30 pm)
After many bands have played their song, and I have to admit they did a pretty bruce job on playing their songs.. I was getting ready to leave cause, it was getting kinda late and my Aunt is gonna flip if I went home 9:01 pm.. I know pretty crazy right?.. And still I couldn't stop thinking about 'them' coming for Randy or me... And I know what must I do. As I was saying, I was squeezing out of the crowd and even though Randy hasn't come out, I gotta go. But then something made me stay.. 
"Last but not the least, We have RaWeiDi!" The Host said as he signaled them to come up the stage...
"What's up people of Norrisville!?" Randy said in a kinda heroic voice as he came out and the whole crowd cheered. Heidi and Howard were in their positions... And for some reason there was a piano on the stage... Are they missing someone?
Randy stood behind a microphone stand and said "Ok, so...uh.. I-i wrote this song to a girl who is very important in my life... so uh.. HIT IT!" He said as nervously signaled Howard to start counting.. Wait, Why does Howard have to say count?..  
"1,2,3,4!" Howard said as he raised his drum sticks and after that they started playing something rock-ish and I just realized how cool they were on the stage.. But what shocked me even more is the lyrics...
Here's what Randy sang...


Verse 1:
You're the Highlight of my day,
Yes in every way,
So please don't fade away,
I know it sounds cliche but tell me that its still ok...

You're so honkin beautiful,
And you know its true,
That I'm not kidding dude,
You must think I'm screwed and I'm sure its not the food...

I know I'm a shoob,
And believe its true,
That I've been so blue,
But I'm still gonna tell you...

You're my Gravey Fries,
And I'm sorry for the lies,
But to my surprise,
You're still the brucest girl in the whole wide world..

I know I've made mistakes along the way,
And its amazing how you stay with me,
But now I see,
This was a cheesy song... And there's nothing wrong!

The Ninja And The Assassin (Randy Cunningham X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now