a u t h o r ' s n o t e # 1

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A U T H O R ' S N O T E

Within the thick smog of modern materialism lies an edible remedy. The prick of craving on your taste buds cues this icy departure from your worries and fears, as does a sugary aroma wafting under your nose. As your gaze greets a sphere of delight perched on top of a crisp golden cone, your sense of time blurs. Threaded between the cream are pockets of air, imitating the fluffy clouds which drift a thousand feet above you. As the frigid substance melts against your lips and sugar particles dance across your tongue, pure bliss diffuses through your nervous system.

This story goes out to those who long for an escape from emotional drainage, whether from the ache of a broken heart or a suffocating sense of hopelessness. The ones who reach out for a loving hand squeeze, only to grasp empty air. The ones who crave a sweet antidote to draw them out of reality. The ones who have been broken seemingly beyond repair, but also the ones whose stoic walls may fracture beneath the weight of a hearty chuckle. The ones who do not recognize their incredible beauty and purpose in this seemingly hopeless world.

For those who are deprived of sweetness are the ones who deserve it the most.

And for those with eating disorders, are lactose intolerant, just hate ice cream, or have some other reason why it may not be enjoyed as much, I understand completely. This story, in no way, is forcing you to like ice cream just to be able to relate to it, but is merely fun-loving dialogue that was meant to provide a source of entertainment for a while.

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1. Although this story was initially completed in 2015, it has been rewritten since then. The current version of Waffle Cones has improved drastically in terms of writing style, which is seen in the prose chapters, though the plot and dialogue remain unchanged. If you're re-reading this story, I hope the polished version is as enjoyable as the draft was.

2. Most of the chapters in this story may only have a small number of inline comments, since editing actually removes them. I apologize for this, because the comments on the original version were hilarious, but editing this story has been way overdue.

3. Many people have asked why Waffle Cones is a short story, since it has a whopping 70 chapters. The reason for this is that a short story is defined by its word count, not the number of chapters it has. Even though Waffle Cones has loads of chapters, most of them are 200 words and solely made up of dialogue. As such, this is a short story due to its short chapter lengths. This excludes the four prose chapters, which are 4000 words each, but they're not enough to take Waffle Cones out of the Short Story category.

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Status: Completed (Aug 2015 – Nov 2015)

Trailer: XantheRowds

Cover: evethespy

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"Um, hey?"

"Wait, you don't sound like my Aunt Kathy."

"Unless I was miraculously converted into a member of the opposite gender and somehow related to whoever is on the other side of this call, then yeah. I'm not your Aunt Kathy."

"Oh, shiitake mushrooms."

For as long as she can remember, Emily Jenner has solely reserved her Sunday evenings for the phone calls she shared with her dear aunt. However, she did not ask for her routine to be frowned upon by fate one day, nor twisted so that the person on the other end turns out to be an ice cream store employee. Fletcher Parker has no inkling as to why a strange girl is dialing his store without any initial intent on purchasing ice cream, but their polar opposite dynamics magnetize them to one another, even after they establish a reciprocated hatred.

But maybe this unexpected turn of events could spark a romance between the duo. Maybe this accidental phone call could bestow upon them the soulmates which they both secretly craved. Maybe it could bring the two together over some ice cream.

Ice cream... and a waffle cone.

© 2015 evethespy. All Rights Reserved.

Waffle Cones (#1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ