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"Ice cream is the original soul food." – Lexie Saige

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"Sushi, are you sure this'll work?"

"I'm positive. Eighty eight point three percent positive."

"What about that eleven point seven percent of uncertainty?"

"Don't worry, you'll do great! I'm the one doing calculations at my own house, which, by the way, has air con. Thank goodness for that. It's way too hot outside, and I refuse to melt like the ice cream you're going to sell."

"I'm not gonna be dancing in an ice cream suit, am I?"

"Ooh, can we rent one?"


"What? You'd look delightful wearing an ice cream suit on this fine Sundae!"

"Did you just make a pun? Did we swap personalities again?"

"Stop being so cold, Fletcher. You're giving me a brain freeze!"

"Sushi, stop messing around. Do you want to save Waffle Cones or not?

"Wow, chilly reception."

"For the love of–"

"Fine, whatever, but you don't need to be so tense. I'm working on it, alright?"

"Good, because if your ice cream bake sale plan doesn't work, I'm going to banana spilt you in half."

"Ouch, sounds messy."

"You bet it'll be."

"So, Alex, Erin, Scarlett, and Melanie are okay with this sale thing, right?"

"That's an understatement, Sushi. They were more than ecstatic. Especially Erin, which was surprising. She say thanks, by the way, and so do I."

"You're welcome. I'm happy to help if it means you're not a lump of sadness curled up on your bed for the rest of your life."



"What's a math teacher's favourite dessert?"



"I'm going to hang up on you."

"Ice ice, baby! Let's do this thing!"

"Oh yeah, he's back."

Waffle Cones (#1)Where stories live. Discover now