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"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate." – Linda Grayson, The Pickwick Papers

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"Oh yeah, remember when you asked me to get your class ice cream for a picnic thingy?"

"Mmhm, what about it?"

"Erin is on the way with a dozen tubs of ice cream."

"Woah, can she carry that by herself?"

"She's Erin freaking Johnson, she'll be fine. Helping her would wound her ego more than her biceps."

"Are you sure?"

"Even if she does collapse, I'm pretty sure that her parents have a lifetime warrantee on her, so they can return her and adopt a new daughter."

"Fletcher, that's horrible!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry."

"All is forgiven, Your Royal Travesty."

"Alex is bringing along some other embellishments like sprinkles, if you guys want to make ice cream sundaes. I hope you have a large fridge."

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff!"

"Anything for you, m'lady."

"Well, arigato gozaimasu, Flip-Flop-Fletcher."

"Dou itashimashite, Sushi-san."

"Seriously, I love you for doing so much for me. It really does mean a lot, Fletcher."

"I– what? Er, I love you too?"

"Do you really?"

"Um– well– uh–"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, asshole, I'm just being sarcastic."

"Wait a minute–"

"I know we hate each other."

"We do?"

"Well yeah, it's an unspoken law."

"Hold on–"

"I have to go, see ya!"



"Well Sushi-san, laws are made to be broken..."

Waffle Cones (#1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt