What Hurts The Most: Number 1

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What Hurts The Most: Number 1

            I quickly put my mascara away in my back-pack, and put on my black VANS on; I was going to be late again, and Robert still wasn’t awake. This what I hated when I don’t get to drive in his car but he gets to drive in my car, which was currently getting fixed since Robert smashed it up against a bench at the park; so I had to get rides from my brother itself.

            “Robert, wake up! We, or should I say I, I’m going to be late, again,” I smashed my fist against his door, hoping he would wake up with this noise.

            “Dude, Claire, I’m already ready!” Robert chuckled, opening the door.

            “Shut up.” I mumbled under my breath, “Let’s get going, so we don’t get stuck in traffic.”

            I got my back-pack and laptop and ran downstairs with Robert in front of me by only two steps. I yelled my ‘Good-bye’ to my parents and followed Robert to his car that was on the curb. I climbed in the passenger seat, throwing my back-pack behind me and opening and turning on my laptop.

            “Why do you bring your laptop,” Robert asked, driving away from our house.

            “You would know if you had AP classes, but you don’t,” I smirked, typing my password and waiting patiently ‘till my laptop was completely on.

            “Shut up, you know I hate it when you rub your smartness in my beautiful face,” Robert shot back, with jealousy ringing in his sentence.

            “Your fault you didn’t go to extra school during the summer.” I shrugged, clicking on the internet icon.

            The rest of the car ride to school was quiet; well, not really since my Facebook notifications keep going off.

            “Why are you on Facebook?” Robert asked, stopping the car in the school parking lot.

            “Homework, and I tutor this one kid who needs help in the United Kingdom,” I rolled my eyes, taking off my seat-belt. “Hey, Robert, can you hold my laptop really quick?”

            He nodded, getting out of the car and running to my side, opening the door and grabbing my laptop.

            I got of the car, opened the back doors, grabbing my back-pack, and closing the front doors and back doors, getting my laptop out of Robert’s hands.

            “Nice laptop, Robert,” a male voice said.

            I turned my head and saw Austin.

            “Off limits, he’s off limits Claire, remember that,” Robert gave me a look, pushing me towards the entrance of the school.

            “Hey, Austin,” I heard my brother greet Austin behind me.

            I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t have a chance with Austin. I mean, even if Robert would let me date Austin, I would still have no chance. I’m not his type, according to the cheerleaders at my school; I’m nothing to his type. I would have no chance, no matter how hard I try; he would reject me right away, no, he would reject before the words spill out of my mouth.

            I made my way to my locker, opening it, and closing it, not putting anything in it or getting anything out of it.

            At least my friend Miranda Clover had a chance with Austin; well, they are practically ‘friends with benefits’ and it was beyond gross; she knew I had feelings with him, but still makes out him, and gets in bed with him every night.

            Ugh, she needs to stop telling me everything she does with him, I swear.

            I walked to my first period, running in to somebody.

            “Gee, Claire, look were you are walking! Just be proud I’m your twin brother,” Robert sighed, catching my laptop before it fell to the floor.

            “Yo, Robert you okay?” Austin’s voice got quiet by the end of his sentence.

            “Yeah, he’s okay; he was just telling me that I should be more careful-” I started saying before Robert interrupted me.

            “Austin meet my sister Claire, Claire meet Austin.”

            I looked at Robert, like he was a man on drugs.

            Robert put his lips near my mouth, “Shut up, and enjoy talking to him before you are completely off limits from him.”

            I nodded, shaking Austin’s hand. Austin smiled, his eyes looking from my feet, to my knees, to my thighs, to my upper chest, to my face, before landing on my eyes.


            “Well, look at the time, we have to get to class, before we’re late,” Robert broke my and Austin’s hand grip pushing me in my first period class, and grapping Austin by the shoulder and dragging him with him.

            Stupid Robert, I thought to myself, sitting in the back of the classroom, logging out of my Facebook and turning off my laptop.


Should I make a trailer for this book too? Okay, let’s make a deal, once this book gets 500-600 reads, I’ll tell you guys if I’m making a trailer, when it gets 700-800 reads, I’ll make the trailer, and once this book gets 900-1000 reads, I’ll post the trailer! But this book must have: 40+ votes and 25+ comments to post the trailer!



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