What Hurts The Most: Number 2

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We’s gonna meet a new character!



What Hurts The Most: Number 2



            “So, I saw you talking to Austin today,” her voice squeaked in my right ear at lunch.

            “Yeah, so?” I rolled my eyes.

            “Just back off, take a hint! Why would he like you,” she smirked.

            “Get out of here, Reagan,” Robert pushed her out of her seat.

            “Hmph,” she frowned.

            “Getting up your butt, again,” Zach smirked, seating to my left and Robert seating to my right. We had our own assigned seats at lunch, and we were mostly the only table that had their own table. But it was pretty normal to me.

            “Stating the obvious,” I chuckled. “But yeah, she was, but it’s okay, I guess.”

            “What did she say?” Robert gave me a look.

            “Nothing, nothing! I promise, we were just talking,” I said.

            “Okay, I’ll believe once pigs fly,” Zachary laughed.

            I was getting a little annoyed right now; they always had to protect me even though I'm six minutes older than Robert.  I was the baby of the group, and Sarah was like me: She doesn’t like when I’m treated like a baby.

            “Fine,” I sighed, “she’s like: I saw with Austin and blah blah blah, you aren’t his type he likes slutty girls like me who show our nipples through our see through shirt and shave our mustaches and penis hair.”

            The whole table burst out laughing, their faces turning tomato red, and their hands banding against the table; they couldn’t even breathe for a couple sentences before they calmed down.

            I smirked at myself, knowing that I could make them laugh no matter what I said; I was the joker as well for our little group.

            “So, I heard my name.” Austin smiled, seating next to Zach.

            “No, we were talking about Austin, Texas!” Robert chuckled.

            “Oh yeah, like penis hair has to do with Texas,” he rolled his eyes.

            “It’s nothing, we were just having a little laugh, that’s all,” Tyler smirked.

            “Oh like: your faces turning red and the whole lunch room looking at you is a little laugh, okay; then what’s a big laugh,” Austin rolled his eyes.

            “Sincerely, it was nothing,” I shook my head, the rest of the guys nodded. “I’m going to go ask Sarah something who’s in the library, so I’ll be right back.” I left my binder and backpack at my seat and took my laptop with me.


“Robert, do you have any plans for tonight or Friday night or this weekend,” Alex asked Robert once I was lying down on Alex’s bed. 

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