Chapter Seven

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Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don't have one.

• Grayson's pøv •

5 days later. January 26th.

I begrudgingly got dressed in a light semi see through purple V-neck, black sweatpants and put on my deodorant, and Axe. Megan and I have been avoiding each other with a passion since my birthday.

Remember the new kids who came to our school a while ago? Yeah, well they've decided to throw me and Kit a big belated birthday party. I don't know why and I think it's pretty dumb but I was obviously polite and I said it was a great gesture. Party is tonight. Cue eye roll. And Megan will be there. Cue even bigger eye roll.

I drove to school by myself because Kit and Drew went together and Megan went by herself. We got out of our vehicles and met up near the front doors. Megan didn't even look at me. I opened the door wide, "Ladies first." "You heard him Drew. Ladies first." Megan jerked her thumb in the direction of the door and he became very sassy.

He put one hand on his hip, and flipped his hair dramatically. "Men like you-" He pointed his finger at Megan. "Really need to learn manners. I know you just want to stare at my ass." He sauntered through the doorway and walked sassily down the hall. We were sitting in Math and I tried talking to Megan.

"Oh come on, tell me you don't want this." I teased, gesturing to my body. "Nope." She countered. "Are you scared I'll break your heart?" I joked; "Not at all. But pro tip? Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don't have one." Megan said smiling. "That.. Explains.. Everything." I remarked.

We shared a laugh and I took a deep breath. At least we were on talking and joking terms again. She had smiled at me a little and it made me feel a bit better. I just can't have her actually hate me, we grew up together. The rest of the day was pretty laidback and the most stressful part was going to the party with the new humans tonight.

I was getting ready for the party, wearing a good pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt when Kit came in holding a fancy dress. "Why so classy?" "Gray. This guy isn't your average teen. He's rich and sophisticated. Megan and I have met the guy." I crinkled my brows in confusion. "So?" "So our party is a ball of sorts. Dress up." She walked out and I rolled my eyes.

I went to my closet to see if I still had my suit or if my mom had it. Luckily it was there so I pulled it out and laid it on my bed. I put on my white dress shirt and the dress pants from the suit. I tied my grey tie around my neck and then put on deodorant and Axe again. Got to smell fresh for these newcomers. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before fixing my hair and going downstairs. Teens from the pack house littered the main floor and they were all dressed up.

Megan wore a black dress that was short in the front and long in the back with silver sparkles dancing across the whole bodice. Her height was boosted a couple inches with black heals and her hair was pinned up in a fancy bun. She had beautiful smoky eyes and dark red lips.

Kit's dress was pale pink and stopped just above her knees with jewels sewn into the chest. Like Megan, she had on black heels with her hair pinned up except hers was only half up. She had nude colours blended on her eyes and colouring her lips as well as a thin wing.

Drew had on the same attire as pretty much every guy attending, including myself, which was a white dress shirt, and a black suit. Drew's tie was black and his hair was in it's normal boyishly messy style yet it looked pretty good and well suited to his fancy clothes.

When we arrived I was slightly stunned. This kid lived in a damn mansion. His house for a small family was like the same size as my house for 70. We were lead to a ballroom and I was left to wonder how rich this kid was. "Good evening everybody, I'm happy to have been the one to host Grayson and Kit's birthday party, even if it's late." A voice spoke. Damn, he sounded enchanting. Watch your girls.

Crawford appeared on the small stage wearing a suit and pale purple tie. "Let's begin, shall we?" He spoke with such class. The first song was a slow one and I walked to Megan. I bowed slightly and outstretched my hand. "May I have this dance?" She curtsied; "But of course, birthday boy." She placed her hand in mine and I lead her to the middle of the floor where Kit and Drew were.

I'll Be by Edwin McCain was surrounding us and Megan looked deep into my eyes. Time had frozen and there was only us. "This is our song now. Just so you know." I winked and we both laughed. "Sure lover boy." She whispered. Neither of us were really paying attention, just dancing and losing ourselves to one another.

Near the end I pulled her closer to me by her waist and she looked down. I lifted her head by her chin so that her gaze met mine. She moved her lips closer to mine. Our lips touched and we completed parts of each other we didn't know were empty.

"I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

After the song ended Crawford yelled to everyone. "Alright now let's party!" Some faster music was playing and I kind of walked away from Megan. I'd just had my first kiss. Wow. And with Megan of all people. I went to go properly introduce myself to Crawford and I took note that he reminded me of my father. His date was wearing a pale purple lace dress that fit her body comfortably and her dark brown hair was pin straight. She didn't wear any makeup and she was breathtaking.

The night went on and I shied away from Megan but I still had fun. I don't know where we're going from here.

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