Chapter Ten

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You're cute, can I keep you?

° Kit's pøv °

"Wake up sleepyhead." "Five more minutes." He pulled me in closer to him by my waist, making me realize that I had to pee. I went to the bathroom and the second I pulled the white door open again to go back I almost died of a heart attack. "I gotta to pee. Beat it." He said. I moved out of his way and walked back to his bed, cuddling myself into his blankets.

Drew came back out and jumped on me. "What the hell Drew?!" I rolled over to look at him and he was pouting. "Kiss me." I shook my head, climbing out from underneath him. Before I got away he pulled me back to the bed, pinning me beneath his muscular body. "Why not, baby?" "I haven't brushed my teeth yet." I said, covering my mouth. He released me and I went to his bathroom to brush my teeth with my spare toothbrush.

Drew came up behind me and put his hands on my waist, placing a chaste kiss to my neck. He picked up his own toothbrush and brushed his pearly whites. I turned to face him and I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him sweetly.

We broke apart and went downstairs for breakfast where Gray gave me a good morning hug. He was wearing minion covered pj pants and Megan followed suit with entering the kitchen. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing camo pyjama pants with a black tank top. We all ate our breakfast, boring I know. And then I left for my morning shower. Normally I hate taking showers in the morning cause it makes my hair look awful but I slept in Drew's room last night so I didn't have much time to shower cause blondie is hard to escape.

After my shower I walked to my closet and grabbed black skinny jeans, a lime green off-the-shoulder sweatshirt that said 'Bruh.' in black letters and I pulled out a matching set of black lace undergarments. I slipped on black socks along with everything else and reached for my black beanie. "I'm.. Gonna.. Kill you.. Grayson.." I huffed between jumps. The jerk always comes into my room and puts stuff where I can't reach. In a small fit of rage I stripped down to nothing and started to shift.

Soon enough I was on four paws instead of two feet. I ran from my room into Grayson's. He was singing to a really girly song and holding his sides in pain when I barked loudly at him repeatedly which made him jump out of his skin. "Jesus Christ!" He turned to me and I growled, moving closer at a slow and threatening pace.

He backed up, and ran into the wall. I barked viciously at him and he looked so damn scared. "K-Kit..?" He stuttered. I can't do this. I feel bad because he's really hormonal at the moment. I left him there confused and went back into my room and changed back. This whole process was easier now that we've had training but it still hurt nonetheless. "Grayson Michaels come here now!" I yelled as I put on my shirt.

He came immediately, "What the hell was that?!" I stifled a laugh. "Get my beanie you ass. You put it where I can't reach it." He whined at me, "But I have cramps and that hurts." I rolled my eyes at him. "It takes a few seconds you baby. Please?" He looked up to the beanie, back at me and then stretched up to where the beanie sat. He dropped it on the floor and left. "Thanks Gray!" I slipped the beanie over my hair and went to my mirror for my makeup. I did a thick black wing, gel on my waterline, put mascara on both the top and bottom lashes, and coloured my lips with a matte nude liquid lipstick.

I spritzed on my blackberry & raspberry perfume and rolled on deodorant. I yanked my black uggs and leather jacket on before going downstairs where I found Drew throwing cheerios at Megan and Gray who were stretched out on the couch and floor in awkward positions. "What are you doing bub?" I asked. "They have cramps." "So you're throwing cheerios at them?" I asked confused. "Yup." He responded as he threw another cheerio at Grayson.

Megan's hair was pulled off to the right side in a braid. She had an eyeliner wing, waterline eyeliner and mascara; her legs were covered with blue skinny jeans and she wore a grey sweatshirt that had rips on the sides and said in white cursive letters 'f*ck off, mate'. Megan wore some pretty bitchin' black combat boots -as per usual- and her leather jacket. 

I directed my attention to Gray when he moved into another weird position. Gray was wearing a white T-shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, a white beanie and his black leather jacket. He wore his silver dog tags, and a pair of grey Jordans. Gray's hair was in a perfect quiff despite the beanie and his electric blue eyes shone brightly.

Drew had on black skinny jeans, a thin white long-sleeved shirt and his stupid tan work boots. He reminded me of Michael Clifford up until the shoe and face areas. His blonde hair was hanging in his clear grey eyes a bit as he hit Megan in the forehead with a cheerio. "Drew, I swear to God if you hit me with another cheerio I will punch you in the throat." She threatened.

Not believing her, he threw another cheerio and Megan stood up. He started to stand up from where he was sitting between the pair but it was too late. He choked on air and spit as Megan's closed fist reached his throat. "I warned you." She told him before leaving the room. I pulled out my phone and told the guys that it was time to leave. We all took my mom's car and I drove us to school.

During third period History I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see who the culprit was. The boy had brown hair that dangled lazily in front of his chocolate brown eyes, he wore big glasses and had plump pink lips. He was tan and was playing up the dork look to the extremes; he wore a light blue dress shirt and black suspenders. "Uhm.. That guy over there told me to give you this." He mumbled nervously. "What's your name?" I asked. "C-Cameron." He stuttered.

"Cute. Where ya from?" I asked. "New York." He said, eyes locked to the floor. "Is it as beautiful as everyone says?" I questioned. "Yeah." He breathed out, finally looking up again. I smiled. "Y-Your uh, your dimples are c-cute." He stuttered, gesturing to my two dimples. "Thanks." I beamed. "I'm Kit by the way, that's Drew. He's my boyfriend." I pointed out Drew because he was walking over. He sat beside me and slung his arm around my shoulder possessively and gestured to Cameron.

"Who's this kid?" Drew asked with a raspy voice. "This is Cameron." "Kay." He stated in a whisper. "What happened?" Cameron asked while pointing at Drew. "Megan punched him in the throat this morning." I shrugged. "Kitty! Did that boy give you my note?" Gray asked. "Oh, right. Yeah Gray!" I shouted back to him while I took the note from Cameron's hands gently. "Who's that..?" He asked shyly while I opened the note. "That's my twin Grayson, and the chick flicking him is Megan the throat puncher." I said pointing at them as I finished opening the small page.

You're a loser :)

"Gray I thought this was something important." I grumbled, rolling the note into a ball and throwing it at him. "They look intimidating..." Cameron trailed off with a slight frown. "They act five, don't worry Cam." He gave me a weird glance because of the nickname and asked nervously if he could sit with us. I smiled at his awkwardness. "You're cute, can I keep you?" I joked. He smiled back.

I would give you the details of the rest of the day but all it consisted of was eating, doing homework and watching Megan and Gray fight over whos cramps hurt more. I ran into Drew's room, jumped on him and snuggled up close to his warm body and I fell asleep with the blonde boys arms wrapped securely around me.

The Michaels Twins [Book One in the Hard at Heart series]Where stories live. Discover now