Chapter Nineteen

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Life is like a story, make yours the best seller.

Grayson's pøv

5 days later, May 6th.

Megan had situated herself back into our lives and everyone loves that she's back. Except her parents; her parents are still acting like she's dead or never existed in the first place. I don't know if they are just assholes or if they can't handle their daughter coming back from the dead. Megan and I are back where we started with being mean to each other 24/7 but this time instead of pretending, we actually mean some of the hurtful things we tell each other.

I was currently in the car by myself headed to school while the other three were in Drew's truck. Despite hating Megan at the moment she was mine and I made sure she was always safe and I didn't let people get to her. As for Cameron- wow, he hasn't been mentioned in a while... Well anyways, Cam is completely dumbfounded as to why Megan is back just like the rest of us. Not that anyone is complaining.

Except me.

I'm kinda complaining.

I drove the rest of the way listening to music and letting my thoughts run wild.

"This has been said so many times that I'm not sure if it matters

We never stood a chance

And I'm not sure if it matters."

I parked the electric blue vehicle in a random open parking space and turned the stereo off after Pete Wentz finished the song off.


From day one I talked about getting out

But not forgetting about

How my worst fears are letting out

He said why put a new address

On the same old loneliness

When breathing just passes the time

Until we all just get old and die

Now talking's just a waste of breath

And living's just a waste of death

And why put a new address

On the same old loneliness

And this is you and me

And me and you

Until we've got nothing left."

I got out and locked the car and a brunette complimented my haircut. It was now in a quiff again; "Nice hair Gray," "Yeah, whatever." I said. I don't have time for this, I have to find Megan. On the way here I decided that I can't have her hate me. We at least need to be friends.

I saw her dark brown hair moving through the crowd and I called out for her. I grabbed her arm when I reached her seeings how she was ignoring me. "Let go of me Grayson." She grumbled. "No." I responded. She tried to pull her hand out of my grasp but she was struggling. With no other way to stop her, I grabbed her face in my two large hands and pulled her close until her lips touched mine.

The kiss was filled with anger, yet sweetness; hate with love. It was so wrong but felt so right. Her hands settled on my neck, barely touching my jawline and my own moved down to pull her closer by her waist.  When her body hit mine she let out a soft gasp but our lips stayed close. "You're mine, no matter what." I whispered while progressively slowing down our kiss and putting my hands back on her face. The sparks that travelled through us was insane but I missed it, to be honest.

I placed a small and sweet kiss to her lips. "I can't live with you hating me when you know how I feel about you." I said. Her hazel eyes looked into my electric blue orbs. "How do you feel about me Gray?" She asked cautiously. "Don't you know by now? After that kiss and... Everything we've been through?" "A kiss is just a kiss." Megan said. "And everything we went through was more or less as friends." She told me.

"I came back for a reason and I know what it is, but I can't tell you until I know how you feel about me." I stared into her eyes as if they were never ending. Megan 'died' and we thought she was gone completely but her body restarted itself and she shifted and ran until her feet couldn't carry her any further. "I..." I paused.

"I love you." I mumbled.

"Goddamnit I love you. I need you in my life, you are my life. You've always been there and you always need to be there. I don't think I can function properly without you now that I know what you are to me." I rushed out. She smiled and bit her lip. "What am I to you?" Megan knew what she was but like every girl in the world, she wants to be told what she's worth.

"You're my everything."

She kept her bottom lip in the confinement of her teeth for a while longer. "I still hate you but you're growing to be my everything too." I brushed my thumb against her cheek and then flicked her forehead. "I hate you too, babe."

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