Poem 20

620 28 0

Your smokescreen
Your illusion
Kept me from seeing how you really are
Kept me from knowing who you really are
Kept me from knowing your intentions
Kept me from saving myself
Kept me trying to help you
Kept me helping someone who hated me
Kept me thinking we were friends
Kept me thinking that we were forever
Kept me thinking you were like me
Your smokescreen
Your illusion
It fell
It let me see you as you really were
It let me see your red eyes
It let me see your blackened heart
It let me see your true intentions
It let me see your horrible soul
It let me realize you weren't who you said
It let me help myself be okay again
Your smokescreen
Your illusion
It slowly tore you apart
It slowly ruined your smile
It slowly ruined all your intentions
It slowly ruined you

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