Poem 139

125 6 0

Maybe I was wrong,
Maybe my tainted heart has betrayed me.

I thought love was evil,
I thought love was crawling back to someone when you both know it's not going to work out.
I thought love was being yelled at and corrected.

I forgot how pure love can be.
How the slightest touch can ignite fire inside,
How a word so simple can mean so much.

I had forgotten in the absence of love from myself,
And the "love" I got from others.
That was not love, nor was it hate.
It was miscommunications and jumbled thoughts from three reckless teenagers who couldn't love themselves.
So we tried to love each other.
And maybe we did, at least, for while.
But because our love was so unpredictable,

It tainted what I thought of love forever.

But your love hasn't betrayed me yet.
It has given me hope.

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