Poem 112

140 9 0

She saved your life didn't she?
If I can't help you
Maybe she can.
I mean,
I haven't helped you in any way.
I've complained to you,
I've made you upset,
I've frustrated you.
I've fucked up.
But she never did, did she?
Oh no,
How could she?
It wasn't her fault.
How could it ever be her fault?
You still talk,
She's still in your life.
The thing is,
You have a bond.
She has a place in your heart
That I will never live up to.
All your words seem empty
Compared to the ones I lay out.
I'm sure you told her more,
I'm sure she knows more.
I'm not the right girl,
I just hardly fit the bill,
But hey.
As a replacement,
As a second choice,
I work pretty well.

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