Poem 83

166 8 0

A rose by any other name would be just as sweet...
I am not a rose
I am not pretty enough
I have thorns, yes
But the beauty is lost
The petals that attract
Those, I do not possess
So what flower am I?
I'm not a daisy
They're much too delicate
Much too common
And yet still too desirable
I'm not a pretty flower
I haven't got vivid colors
Nor do I have a distinctive scent
I'm ordinary at best
A dandelion perhaps
The kind you blow away
A onetime wish
On a flower commonly known
As a pesky weed
A flower that no one adores
But simply rids themselves of
With a fickle wish
They know won't come true
So, no
I am not a rose or a daisy
Not even a sunflower or lily
I am simply a dandelion
Waiting to be blown away

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