Chapter 3: First Day of School... With Light Yagami

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- Light's POV -

The school bell started to ring. Jeez, another boring day in school. I just wished that I could skip classes everyday, but that would make me a bad role model since I'm known as the top student in the whole school.

Ryuk let out his eerie laugh. "What's wrong Light? Anything bugging your mind?"

I was about to shook my head in response, but then, the girl I saw earlier appeared and entered MY classroom.

"What the hell?! She goes here too?" I said in dismay. "Who is this girl anyway?"

The shinigami shrugged as a reply. "Don't know."

I decided to enter the classroom and observe her every movement. Maybe I might find something relevant about her connection with the Death Note. As I stepped inside, I saw her speaking to our teacher, Mr. Mori.

Our homeroom adviser immediately noticed my presence. "Oh. Mr. Yagami! You're finally here. Ms. Nakahara was about to ask yo-"

He was cut off by the girl's words. "Mr. Mori! I think I'll just head back to my seat now. No need for any more words..."

She returned to her place while her head was facing the ground. She took a seat and just stared at the board, apparently trying her best to avoid eye-to-eye contact with me.

But that won't stop anything, because the place she sat was right next to my assigned seat. She must've noticed me coming, because she quickly grabbed a notebook and a pen from her bag and started scribbling something.

I took a quick peek on what she was writing. I thought it was the teacher's lectures, but then I found out that it was merely nothing more than just a bunch of scribbles. How nice.

I let out a deep sigh. "You know, you don't have to pretend to write something just so you could avoid my gaze," I told her.

That did the trick. She started blushing from head to toe (probably from embarassment) and faced me.

"You're Light Yagami, right?" she softly spoke.

I nodded. She offered her hand and introduced herself.

"Amai Nakahara, huge fan-" She immediately cupped her hands on her mouth.

I gave her a confused look. "Huh? Fan?"

- Amai's POV -

Great. Me and my big mouth.

Light gave me his confused look. "What are you talking about? I'm not a celebrity or something..."

Quick Amai, think of an alibi!

"Uh. It's just that you're like... the smartest student here. Possibly in all of Tokyo," I told him.

He smiled. "Haha. Thanks for the compliment."

Light smiled! He. Freaking. smiled! If he wasn't in front of me, I would be screaming my lungs out already.

- Light's POV -

What is wrong with this girl? Why did she became so giddy when I introduced myself to her?

"Hey Light, you sure are popular with the ladies..." Ryuk teased.

I ignored the shinigami's comment. Instead, I continued to talk to Amai, who seems to be enjoying our conversation. What I need to do, is to befriend her, so that I could get the information I need regarding the Death Note.

The class ended in an instant. Seeing Amai arrange her books to prepare for the next class, I immediately thought of an idea on how to get closer to her.

"Hey Amai..."

She turned. "Yes?"

I took a deep breath before asking,

"Wanna go out sometimes?"

- End of Chapter 3 -

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